While email marketing is a priority overall, the pressures driving the strategy differ slightly. 55% of B2B email marketers cited the need to hit annual organizational revenue goals as the number one priority, while 71 percent of B2C email marketers noted that measuring marketing’s contribution to revenue is strongly valued as a key performance indicator. Both groups reported low favorable effectiveness levels at connecting marketing efforts to revenue, indicating a skill gap that needs to be addressed.
While program goals may differ for B2B and B2C email marketers, there are some common best practices that top-performing email marketers use to achieve success. A few highlights:
Prioritize email marketing for a greater ROI
B2C marketers who prioritize email marketing average an 89 percent higher contribution to revenue, vs. marketers lacking such priorities. They also reported an email open rate that’s 167 percent higher. And click-through rate also 2.3 times higher compared to organizations lacking such prioritization. Those who don’t prioritize the program are seeing a decline in performance. It means that B2C email marketers have two options- either aim to master it on your own or find a trusted partner to manage the program for you.
Integrate data-driven campaigns for success
B2B email marketers will often test and optimize campaigns to distill distinct formulas for success. 59% say they can duplicate the results of effective campaigns with this approach. 70% of B2B email marketers can identify the most profitable customers in their networks to maximizes the value of outreach. With data at their fingertips, B2B email marketers are more effective in developing repeatable processes and personalized campaigns. This presents a huge opportunity for B2C marketers to learn more about your customers, build behavioral profiles for them, and then deliver more relevant email marketing, such as what we’re bringing to customers with the acquisition of Tagga.
Personalization is key
Most B2B (55 percent) and B2C email marketers (69 percent) are effective at maintaining consistent, relevant, personalized communications with customers. 63% of B2B marketers segment email marketing efforts by industry, topic or vertical to avoid any unsegmented “blast” email campaigns.