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Email Campaign, Email Marketing, Marketing

How to Better Your Email Marketing Services Strategy in 2021

One month into 2021 and you can hear the distant rally cry that Email Marketing Services are smarter, stronger, and going to be a popular topic throughout 2021 (and in the years to come).
Email marketing continues to be one of the top-performing tactics that inbound professionals have in their toolbox. Each year is a new opportunity to be human, helpful, and holistic with your email marketing strategy.

In 2021, email is going to continue to improve and evolve. With GDPR launching in May, multi-channel conversations, and new technology always on the rise. A there lot to be excited about and get prepared for.

The very first email sent in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson. It was a short note, sent from one computer in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to another computer in the same room. It was another 20 years before email became popular. Today, email marketing is ubiquitous.

You need an email address to do just about anything online including pay your bills, sign up for a social media account, access your bank account, or apply for a job.

Here are A Few More Email Facts You Might Not Know

• In 2020, Livewire reported an estimated 260 billion emails sent every day.

• There are nearly 5,500 million active email accounts in the world.

• The average office worker receives 121 emails every day.

Despite the rampant advances in social media marketing, emails remain as important as ever for businesses to connect with leads and customers. Since a lot of digital marketers have realized the high ROI and customer acquisition rates emails offer, an individual’s inbox has become an ultra-competitive zone with multiple brands vying for his or her attention. That means your marketing emails have to be absolutely spot-on if you want to survive, let alone win, the game.

Email Marketing Services Strategy

Here Are Four Ways You Can Improve Your Email Marketing Services Strategy In 2021:-

Use Attractive Subject Line

90 percent of email’s open rate is increased by having an attractive subject line. Because the user first reads the subject line of the email, if the subject line is attractive, the chances of opening the mail are increased.

Here I will give you some examples of subject lines on how to write an attractive subject line.

  • open to see our top picks of sale (Kate Spade)
  • Save money. Don’t leave the couch. (Dollar Shave Club)
  • Forget Your Troubles, Come On Get Matchy! (Patpat)
  • A Sale of ❄ and ? (ThinkGeek)

Use Segmented Emails Instead of Broadcast Emails.

Companies generally tend to send the same emails to all the contacts on their subscriber list. Sure, they may personalize for each individual, but the crux of each message remains unchanged. This results in a lot of subscribers receiving emails that are irrelevant to them, which in turn lowers open rates and increases unsubscribe rates.

Segmented emails are the solution to this problem. Such emails sent to specific segments within a subscriber base — divided based on previous interactions with a brand, demographics, interests, and position in the buyer’s journey. Research has shown that segmented emails generate 18 times more revenue, and have a five percent higher click-through rate than broadcast emails.

Send Emails Only to Those Subscribers Who Care.

Businesses need to understand the importance of marketing to that person who genuinely cares about what they’re being offered. The first step is to send emails only to those people who have willingly given you their information; never message contacts acquired from purchased email lists. Even among those who have given you their email, there will undoubtedly be a marketing-averse few who won’t ever open your emails.

Repeatedly sending emails to these people will decimate your email opens and engagement rates, which in turn may cause Email Marketing Services to mark them as spam. It’s a good idea to avoid sending emails to unengaged subscribers or at least limit the number of times you contact them to once or twice a month.

Figure Out What’s Going Wrong And Fix It. Fast And Immediately.

If you think your email marketing efforts aren’t proving to be as effective as you hoped them to be, it isn’t a bad idea to take a break and analyze what’s going wrong. If your emails have low open rates, try experimenting with different subject lines and send emails from a personal address instead of a company.

A rise in un-subscriptions, while not debilitating on its own, is usually indicative of forthcoming spam complaints. That’s why it’s essential for you to figure out exactly why people are unsubscribing from your emails. If you can’t find anything wrong, stop sending emails to those people who don’t open them and instead focus on those who have high engagement rates.

Getting marked as spam is fatal for your email marketing strategy. Your domain’s reputation goes down and you run the risk of being blacklisted by email services. If your emails are getting marked as spam, stop sending them immediately. And find out what’s causing your subscribers to take this action. Maybe it’s a faulty CTA, a malfunctioning sign-up form, or a missing link; whatever it is, it’s crucial to identify and fix it before resuming your email marketing services efforts.

Constant Testing Is The Way To Go.

The ideal email marketing service strategy. The one that pays the most dividends for the time and effort you put into it. Formulated by excessive trial and error experimentation. No fixed set of rules that guarantee a successful email marketing services strategy. Only guidelines that you have to work within to create one for yourself.

Testing things like the days and times when you send your emails. The subject lines you use, and which types of your emails have the highest engagement allows. So that you to better understand your subscribers’ behavior. This also helps you create effective Email Marketing Services campaigns. That resonates with your subscribers and has the intended effect on them.

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5 Best Practices for E-mail Marketing Testing

Here are five pro tips for email testing:

 E-mail Marketing Testing

Keep it simple : E-mail Marketing Testing

Test the basic elements first: subject lines, “from” names, and email copy. It does not take too much time or creative work to come up with some simple tests.

Standardize email send times : E-mail Marketing Testing

When running any A / B test, make sure to normalize your sent time. Even a 30-minute difference can change the results of your test. Do your best to send emails simultaneously to send the optimal time to your customers.

Choose your sample sizes wisely : E-mail Marketing Testing

If your sample size is too small, you can actually say a winner without one. As a good rule of thumb, make sure you have at least 1,000 observations for any test. For example, if a subject line exam is underway, you need to make at least 1,000 openings per email to see statistical significance. If you did not find the significance, you should run the test again and collect the data.

Test one element at a time : E-mail Marketing Testing

It wants to test more than one variable at a time, because the more you test at once, the bigger the impact you can make and the faster you can improve. But the challenge is that you will not know the individual improvement or decline in each variable. Test one variable at a time, measure the results and roll out the winners in your new email over time.

Listen to your test results : E-mail Marketing Testing

You will see the test result which has no meaning. You do not want to believe your eyes. But email marketing is not a cupcake competition. The best, most engaging email may not be the most beautiful or your favorite. Trust the data and your email results will be starred! [: Gb]

For more related information you can visit migomail and telcob.

B2B Marketing, Email Marketing

6 Email Marketing Best Practices : Email Marketing

Here we will explain some basics of email marketing and email marketing best practices.  And, how it works. Once you have finished reading this out you will have the idea about how to launch email marketing for your business. 

What is email marketing?


Importance of email marketing in 2020

From the basic order confirmations to the newsletters, emails are a quintessential viewpoint of the growth and command of your business.

Informing, influencing, and winning the loyalty of recipients who are interested in your offerings.

Marketing emails include a distinct call-to-action intended to generate sales or induce traffic to particular pages of your site.

email marketing, email marketing best practices

Some business goals accomplished by email marketing

There are three categories of objectives that can be achieved with the help of Email Marketing. 

  • Growth or Conversion (selling your offerings)
  • Loyalty of Customer
  • Brand awareness

It is a great channel because email has a specific degree of confidence attached to it. There are so many people, for whom the inbox is an information space loaded with messages from their favorite brands.

Via contacting straight into a recipient’s email inbox, you have an unprecedented opportunity to be present in their everyday lives. This has more impact than posting on social media, where you cannot be certain about the possibilities of seeing your post at all.

Aside from intimacy, email has the inherent etiquette when it comes to delivering important messages. This would explain the importance of email for brands for choosing this channel even in this COVID-19 pandemic for delivering the right pieces of information.

Email plays a vital role in each stage of the buyer’s cycle: Starting with information and prospection stage, even during conversion, and also there is a role of email later on for customer retention.

One of the main advantages of email marketing is its scalability. This refers to the fact that emails can be deployed on a large scale to a wide number of recipients.

The state of email marketing in 2020

Email is a very old technology it isn’t new. In fact, email was one of the first channels for communicating digitally. But at around 50 years old, email marketing is now more extensively used than ever before.

Email has one of the excellent things that is it’s convenience/accessibility.

It lets you approach a large-scale range of diverse audiences, and this also includes those who are not surely comfortable using the internet. This presents it as the most common mainstream form of marketing.

Additionally, email marketing creates an opportunity or a chance to build long-lasting relationships with your leads and customers.

Here are some statistics:

  • Around 80% of Americans check their email at least once per day, with almost one-fourth of them check their personal email inbox many times a day. This report is according to a data of 2018 Inbox Report.
  • Buyers who buy merchandise by email, spend around 138 percent more than those who don’t receive offers through email.
  • More than 85% of business professionals prefer email as a communication channel.

By seeing these figures now it is not a surprising fact that email is recognized as the most effective channel in B2B marketing.

If you are not applying any email marketing strategy this means you are missing out on sales opportunities and the opportunity to strengthen your relations with customers. email marketing best practices email marketing best practices email marketing best practices

Now’s the time to get your email marketing up and running – and we’re going to explain to you how.

Getting started: choosing the right email marketing solution

Benefits of emailing marketing software

The first and foremost step towards performing an effective strategy of emailing is to choose the right emailing marketing solution.

Some reasons are here why it is worth spending in a dedicated email marketing service to create and send marketing emails.

Platforms of email marketing (like Mailcot) have the basic support or infrastructure in place to assure deliverability of email – This is something which you cannot guarantee while sending an email campaign with a regular Internet Service Provider like Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook.

Another use of an email service is that you can manage your email subscribers and also segment them into email lists.

And when you talk about designing marketing emails, you find that most of the email services usually offer ready-made templates and easy-to-use email editors. In a few clicks, you can create a newsletter very easily. No HTML coding skills or graphic designs are necessary.

You will also get the insights into email campaign performance. You’ will get to see which emails were most successful and learn more about your audience thanks to open rates, click-through rates, and reactivity insights.

Comparing different solutions

There are various distinctive emailing solutions to pick from. For choosing a relevant one for your business, some questions are here to consider:

  • The number of contacts you have now and in one year what is your planning to increase this number?
  • No. of emails you are planning to send?
  • What sorts of emails do you wish to send? Is it promotional, transactional, or both?
  • Your budget?

When you are comparing email services there is another factor you m just take into consideration, that is scalability and the associated costs. When you are up to starting your business of email marketing it is anticipated that your contact list will be short or small – but as the time goes on it will grow ideally.

With Mailcot, you will only pay for the number of email sents – not the number of contacts stored.

There are different types of marketing emails

Promotional emails

This type of email is sent as and when it is needed, in line with the of your business.

Newsletters present news that is associated with your business. Such as your new breakthroughs reached, product capabilities, or for highlighting a product use case. It is a tendency to stay at the forefront of your connections’ minds and inspire them to engage with you more.

Email campaigns are highly focused on marketing and sales. A campaign could consist of 3 to10 emails sent over many days or weeks. These types of emails are sent with a particular purpose in mind – be it to promote some exclusive offers, boost the downloading of a white paper, or to sign up for a webinar.

Automated emails

Automated emails save a lot of time and do miracles for fostering customer relationships.

It is as simpler as a welcome email sent to a fresh newsletter signup or a personalized email based on the buyer’s behavior or existing knowledge or information.

The special thing about automated emails is that nobody has had to present there physically to hit the send button.

Mailcot email automation feature lets you set up automated emails that are sent out in answer to a specific ‘trigger’ event that’s pre-defined by you.

There are lots of email automation possibilities.

Different types of automated emails

Automated marketing emails:

Transactional emails: 

Mailcot caters for both transactional and promotional emails. Big thanks to our strong SMTP service.

Email marketing best practices 

Now you are well known to the different types of emails and benefits of them for your business. So, now its time to grab some very important features of email marketing.   email marketing best practices

These are the points which will help you done your email marketing with legality. Pay attention!

Collect email addresses legally

sign up form  

This is obvious that if you are sending emails you must need email addresses. Though, the way in which you collect those email addresses is very important.

The GDPR is a regulation in EU law that protects the personal data and privacy of consumers, including their email addresses.

For legally collecting email addresses, you need the ‘opt-in’ process.

This is a method by which a client or lead share you their consent by an online form for collecting and use their information/data.

Segment your mailing list

As when your list of email expands, it is destined to hold diverse buyer profiles.

Segmentation means parting down your email list and creating more petite sub-lists of contacts those who have something in common.

For instance, age, geographic location, lead score, first-time purchase, etc.

This enables you to maintain proposing content that is both relevant and personalized for each person on your mailing list.

Optimize your deliverability

Email deliverability basically means the ability of an email to land in a subscriber’s inbox. For marketers this is an important concept because it shows that emails have rightly reached their destination, rather than stopping up in the junk folder where they are improbable to be read.

This depends on technical and behavioral factors. For situation, the quality affects your deliverability.

Must ensure quality.

Further reading: Improve Email Deliverability in Inbox

Choose an email design that works for your brand & audience

The design is just as important as the content.

Catch your contacts’ attention with your design.    email marketing best practices email marketing best practices 

The email design and its feel is going to communicate a word about your company and its values. It is worth spending your time on.

A good email design also helps you make your content more clear, legible, and structured.  

Save time with email templates

Create reusable email templates. Pick an email template and then personalize it with your brand. And, when this is done you will only need to modify the text each time for sending different emails.

Personalize your emails

All of us like to feel special when it is about our favorite brand. We relish it when brands add a special personal touch and pay attention to small details.  email marketing best practices 

This also sounds true in the case of email marketing.

Personalizing emails is necessary to build relationships with your leads and customers.

So, personalize your email in this modern era, you necessitate to make the most out of it at every opportunity.

Start Your Email Marketing with Mailcot

bulk emailing service provider in india, Business, Digital Marketing, Email Campaign, Email Hosting, Email Hosting Services provider In India, Email Marketing, Email marketing service providers in india, Email Marketing Software, Mail Marketing India, Marketing Automation, Mass Mailing Services

Best Marketing Automation India

The Marketing Automation India story is yet in its initial steps. Most famous views globally still imply that there is less than 10% approval of marketing software platforms also when you join up the customer part of all primary providers.

Globally the Marketing Automation software market will be worth $7.63 Billion by 2025 as per estimates by various researches. The market is supposed to increase between 2016 to 2025 with India and China witnessing the tremendous growth in the customer base. As per estimates, the size of India market alone is over USD 500 million.

Story- Marketing Automation India

 marketing automation india

Marketing Automation India as the name sounds somewhat amorphous for a whole industry. The marketing automation market in India also started with lead generation and nurturing technologies gradually providing a wide array of analytics and social media management capabilities.

By the time the marketing automation wave hit the country, entrepreneurs in India had realized that they can’t understand the approach of building an “all you ever need” package for marketers. The marketing automation India wouldn’t be concluded without considering serial-entrepreneurs. Marketers have also embraced automation to simplify their tasks.

Challenges For Marketing Automation India

 challenges for marketing automation india

1. Budget Constraints & ROI Enigma

Most marketers connect low marketing budgets as one of the logic for the non-adoption of marketing automation resolutions. For some who take the leap of belief to use a marketing automation solution but only assess it in terms of Return on Investment (ROI) leave to see the value.

Another mistake that marketers could find to see the return on investment (ROI) reaching up, but sales dip. This could be a consequence of some simple causes and effects. As media expansion increase across channels, the reach has decreased for almost every channel and publisher. Growing costs coupled with declining reach drives up Cost-Per-Point (CPP), which means your original needs to be exponentially more efficient to deliver the same results. In most cases, even the greatest creative cannot compensate for the decline in efficiency.

2. First Think Content Strategy

The latest report suggests that the number of marketing tools competing a marketer’s attention raised by 40%  from the previous year. With so many marketing tools available, the choice to pick a marketing automation solution is usually driven by FOMO (fear-of-missing-out).

Outwardly a sharply defined content approach, the automation solution only stops up showing the incompetence in the marketing department. Content lies at the core of any marketing automation solution hence it is risky to guarantee that you have a documented strategy of content in status before you design your marketing technology.

3. Automation Detox

The industry as a complete wants some sort of detoxification for putting stand-alone applications like marketing automation suites. The difficulty lies in the mindset that marketing automation is expected to automate repeated tasks that destroy the very nature of what marketers do.

To avail of the best marketing automation services you should choose Mailcot


If you are a business owner then firstly understand why and how your audience uses technology and then start trying to align your communication efforts. Mailcot Email Solutions focus on growing your list all of the time as newer subscribers are more engaged adding to healthier open rates and ROI. Email marketing India /Email Hosting India is all about setting a goal and reach the goal in the given time period. You can’t expect to just write and have visitors come to your door.

Being online every business wants to be top and the higher rate of ROI, For this, they are competing with each other, So MailCot provides a wide variety of Bulk Email Marketing Services and Email Hosting Services (either it is transactional or Marketing Email) to generate sales and attract grand new customers depending on their email campaign. Mailcot also provide email Marketing Reseller program.

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B2B Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing Tips

Competitive Email Marketing Tips for B2B Marketing


Email marketing tips

email marketing tips, email marketing tips for b2b marketing, email marketing

Social media marketing and the content used, are excellent means for nurturing leads through the sales funnel but with limitations. These two have their own limitations. To get site content in front of leads requires high search rankings for relevant keywords. Similarly, social media posts have a short life span with a lot of competition.

There is no guarantee that the content published on these channels will discover. Therefore, email marketing is the way to increase the percentage that the content created will be consumed.

By adding email marketing tips or strategies of the modern world to existing lead nurturing efforts, one can deliver the right content, at the right time and at the right place. You can easily deliver personalized content directly to leads on a channel they monitor on a daily basis or actively.

6 Basic Tips For B2B Marketing

email marketing tips, email marketing tips for b2b marketing, email marketing tips for b2b marketer

Use the Account-Based Marketing Approach to Target

Today,s email marketing best strategies are less like social media marketing and more like account-based marketing. Instead of casting a wide net with an email blast, leads must be segmented into groups. Email blasts are dead. For nurturing leads, you must segment customers into groups according to their buying journey. This is simple if you have a list of contacts who’ve downloaded gated content. Try to determine particular positions in the buying journey or previous buying behavior that each piece of gated content caters to. And then follow up with individuals who have downloaded that content. Email marketing services help you to segment individuals and deliver emails according to their interests.    google 


Optimize Emails for Mobile

If emails forgo mobile optimization then you will definitely lose a huge portion of your audience. Most of the emails are opened on mobiles, there are a few percent of the audience who open emails on desktop. Structuring the content is important too. Always lead with the most important information to grab attention immediately. Use short and strong paragraphs for easy reading on mobile. On the top, you must include your call to action. Make sure buttons and links are big enough to tap easily.


Engage With Trigger-Based-Campaigns

Trigger-based email marketing automatically sends emails to individuals based on their actions. Trigger-based campaigns really shine in nurturing lead when you adopt a marketing automation platform. Email marketing tips for b2b marketing

For instance, trigger-based campaigns could send a welcome email, send a thank you email and send a reminder or discount code.

B2B Marketing

Personalize Emails

Personalized emails are more likely to be opened and will lead to more click rates. It is an effective means to build relations. For referring leads you should start with their names but there are many other ways to take personalization to a further step. Use DOB to send messages on their birthdays, send a thank you promotion message at that particular date on which the person subscribed and send messages from personal accounts instead of a business account. This will make the conversation more one-to-one.

email marketing tips

Customize Dynamic Content

It is also known as ‘smart content’. In dynamic content email displayed differently to each recipient based on collected data. The very first step is determining what data is important and to cater customers needs to utilize the data correctly. Like utilizing age, gender, etc will help you connect real contacts with buyers personas. This will be a guide to dynamic content decision making.     GOOGLE

email marketing tips for b2b marketing

Make Emails Interactive

An interactive email shows the functionality of the web page. It saves time on the recipient’s end and then they can respond instantly and easily. An interactive email will lead to an increase in sales and revenue.

Email marketing India         B2B Marketer      b2b business    email marketing service providers 

B2B Marketing 

B2B Marketing

Read more:

B2B Marketing, Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Experts, E-commerce Email Marketing, Email Campaign, Email Marketing

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  • We are No.1 Mass Mailing Service Provider Company in India. Boost your sales and business with MailCot Bulk Email Marketing Services, we provide email newsletters, email drip campaigns, automated welcome emails, email template design, copywriting, transactional emails, email analytics, contact forms for your website, email software setup, email CRM integration, compliance with GDPR and federal CAN-SPAM laws
  • Mailcot Refine your Email Campaign as it is easy-to-read. Email dashboard shows you which emails are most successful based on the number opened. Whether or not the reader clicked on links or shared your email with friends. Over time, these statistics will tell you what does and doesn’t work with your audience.

Services Provided by Mailcot  

  1. Email Marketing
  2. Transactional Email
  3. Marketing Automation
Email Marketing

Improve Your Sale with Mailcot Email Marketing

Change your gear of selling product and services through Email Marketing. Email marketing also affords you with a lot of data that can be used to judge performance and make advances in open rates, click-through rates, spam complaints, unsubscribe rates, etc.

For example, let’s assume you just moved into a new residence and recognized that your bed doesn’t suit so you’ll need to acquire a new one. You go to a few various websites to do some analysis but are not quite ready to make a shopping. Then, the next day one of those sites sends you an email with a code for 25% off your first acquisition. All of an immediate, purchasing that Bed becomes a bit more affordable and the welcome email could then make you return the site and take action. But, without the welcome email and exclusive offer, you may not have gone back to make a shopping. The welcome email helped to generate a sale by keeping your furniture needs top of mind.

How to Boost Your Sale with Email Marketing

Know Your Audiences

The email messages that you send out to your subscribers need to be relevant to their interests. This can only happen when you know and understand your target audience well enough.

Every subscriber on your email list is different, which is why it would be a mistake to send them the same email message. Emails relevant to the recipient tend to drive 18 times more revenue when compared to general emails. So taking a targeted approach definitely makes a difference.

Personalizing the beginning with a simple, ‘Hi’ can help to engage the reader enough to get them to at least begin to read your offer.

Scrub Your Email List Regularly

When someone is adding his or her email address to your list it’s possible they make a mistake, provide a fake email altogether or they eventually change to a new email address. This can have a negative effect on your email delivery performance, as the emails can bounce, go directly into spam folders and even get you labelled as a spammer. Run your list through a scrubbing and verification service on a regular basis to make sure you are always working with an accurate list.

Short and Effective

Keeping your emails simple helps you get a better response from your campaign. The idea is to make your subscribers aware of the offer you have for them. It is not too hard to sell them but to give them a soft nudge. If they find your offer interesting enough, you will find them visiting your website to learn more about it. By keeping your emails short and to the point, you make it easy for people to take action.

Unique Subject Line

Avoid tricks. They may work once, but they erode trust and debase most brands. In fact, A/B testing your subject line is easy (just divide your list in two and track open rate, click through rate, and purchase/conversion rate on the landing page by subject line A vs B. All other parts of the emails are the same, just a different subject line.) This lets you use email to build your best version of sales scripting to use on your website, offline marketing collateral, and even in your live salesperson scripting.

One Clear Call-to-Action Per Email

“If you don’t have one clearly defined call-to-action, you are going to experience minimal results. Your subscribers don’t have time to read through long emails, trying to determine what you want them to do or what exactly your offer is. If your recipient doesn’t know what you want them to do within seconds of opening your email, whether that’s visiting a page, calling a phone number or completing a form, they will most likely delete your email,”.

Tips to Improve Your Email Marketing

  • Test and find your most effective email format(s). (E.g. Text vs HTML. Short vs long form. Etc.
  • Make your email mobile/small screen friendly.
  • Test your messages before you send them on multiple browsers and readers.
  • Have a second set of eyes review your email.
  • Make sure all key images are “clickable” and all videos have a “play” button.
  • If an email (or email campaign) was successful, re-use it.
  • Make your emails valuable.





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