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5 Secret Tips to Increase Open and Click Rates in Email Marketing

5 Tips to Boost your Email marketing Campaign Results get more operates more click rates and obviously increase your conversions let’s start with tips:-

    1. Test your Subject line
    2. Test your emails before you send
    3. Test your sending score
    4. Send the email to yourself
    5. Call- to-action link or call-to-action button

Email marketing

#01 Test your subject line:-

This is very important why simply because the subject because the subject line is one of the main factors that determines if your email will land in spam in M box or in the promotional tab you see here if we go to Gmail to your inbox you will see we have the main aim if the primary inbox the social tab and the promotional tab the promotions tab is in box.

But the difference that Gmail will filter it as and advertisement and you will not get notification when it lands here and people usually don’t open this tab they only see the primary inbox. so it is very important to land your emails in the primary tab of your mailbox of your inbox and not in spam and not in promotions.

because I get off questions say. this is related to your email system it is related to the message subject line and content Gmail google will filter the emails depending on it’s content  so you need to take care of your subject lines very well the first thing you will do is to go to a tool called subject line.

tester send checker calm and write your subject line here and test it and get a high score you can see this subject line it’s 94 points so it is a very good subject line to test to start with it will not trigger any spam filter anything so it will land in M box or in promotion. now you may ask me how can I know if my emails will let in M box or in promotion or in spam maybe do can I test this yes.

02# Test your emails before you send:-

It is an example let’s go to my campaigns here and click on create a new campaign. I will choose any list now and click save and next and try campaign anything test this is my subject line here okay so here is my template let’s name anything I will choose a simple template from this system I have this text template.

you can do something very nice we can go to GMs dot see all and go to product seed and click on inbox spam or promotions. I want to mention again here you can copy a list of these image like these emails and go here and click on test template and then you can enter the recipients here and click send text.

now you can see where the message will land in inbox in spam or in promotion let’s go here and enter my subject line to filter and you can see now this email and in promotions and you see this so what you need to do in this case if you want to make it land in inbox you need to change the subject line and test different content. so usually I start changing my content I remove any keywords that trigger promotions and so on.

so I can and then test again and see if it lands in inbox or no. I keep testing and doing this until I ensure that my email and in box and not in promotion. again I repeat promotions means in box but Gmail classifies it as a promotion now sometimes you are sending an email that you can change it is a promotion.

so you can do anything in this situation but sometimes you are sending in used letters you are promoting something inside the newsletter. which is a good tip also don’t send like an image is promoting something directly known send valuable content and inside the message.

you can add your link at the promotion and so on. in this way you can filter it as a primary amine and not a promotional email so this number to test your emails with g-mass dot c or inbox spam or promotions tool tip.

03#Test your sending score:-

Go to mail tester dot-com and you are sending score before you do anything. so copy this temporary email and click test template what if you are using any email marketing application in my case it’s main ways maybe are using mounting maybe you are using email marketing company like MailChimp get response whatever company you are using just do these steps.

It is common between any system to ensure the best delivery and the best operates and the best click rates send a test using this template  subject line and so on you your mail server and then go here and check your score and ensure to get at least nine point four nine point five as you are sending score.

you can see in my case it is ten over ten which is perfect but is also acceptable and to reach the M-box it is normal by the way if you want to learn how to build an SMTP server a mailing system with been over 10 sanics core. so this step number three ensure you get a high sending score  with mail

04# Send the email to yourself:-

I have a Gmail account and outlook account I simply go and send all this campaign to my email I say my email here come my outlook email why mainly for two things in this way I can test the delivery so you can see it got and my promotions tab I can open the email and I read the email I see the form of email in my inbox simply I put myself in the place of the recipient I got this email does it look good is it really attractive does not make me click in the links.

I read the email I see it in my inbox also I get my mobile and I opened the email in the mobile you know today almost 90% of people will check the email inside their mobile phones so also I check the email if it looks good on the mobile if it is responsive everything is clear before I send the campaign because if it is not clear even if you reach the mbox the user will not click or will not read the email and so on really this also very important tip send it to yourself and put yourself in stead of the recipient and check the email if looks good or not.

05#Call- to-action link or call-to-action button:-

I explained this in detail and have to write the perfect subject line have tried the perfect body and have to make everything clear so it gets more clicks and people follow and read your whole message using a simple formula that you can follow in copywriting to write really the best message to write the perfect message so you can get more click rates do these steps and I ensure you will get at least three times more open rates and click rates.

For more related information you can check out the link is here:- migomail and telcob.

B2B Marketing, Brand Building, Business, Digital Marketing, Digital marketing and online marketing, InternetMarketing, Latest Technology, Latest Trends

Top 5 Strategies for Brand Building

How to make your Brand Viral?

Today we will see that anyone can spend it by making the brand viral. Today we will focus on those things. Where the brand has to go viral in an organic way. Should it be done that your brand is not viral until it is spend less.

Today we will share some points with you:-

  1. Feeling vs Information
  2. Socially Responsible Emotional story
  3. Attention Seeking Potential
  4. Call for action with a beautiful jingle
  5. Exaggerate the insecurities and fear


#1 Feeling vs Information:

Within your brand’s advertising, promotion or sales pitch, you are telling experiences right away or just talking about your product. In fact, today there is no interest that you keep talking about yourself and your product. People are not interested in who you are, they are interested in how you make them feel. They don’t care how much you know, they know how much you care.

Nowadays, in all the versions that have gone viral inside the world, emotions are very strong. And if they are socially responsive projects, people suppress them and share viral content. Because inside them a good person is awake.

How much people will remember about your brand depends on how you have made them feel about the brand. Whatever you are doing through your advertising, through a sales pitch, through promotional schemes, TV and print advertisements.

#2 Socially Responsible Emotional Story:

If you have a socially sensitive emotional story inside your ad, people will share themselves. You do not need to spend extra. They are not paid branding but organic branding. If you understand, people are affected by the behavior. There is no logic.

#3 Attention seeking Potential:

Earlier, I wanted such a good advertisement that people could take a message with him. But nowadays, people change channels quickly. They have TV controlled via remote. We will record and transfer new channels. And fast forward. So to counter this, if the beginning of ad is not good. And if it does not have attention grabbing potential, then it will immediately take your attention and no one will see that ad. we will add some points in attention seeking potential:-

    • Testimonial route of social proof
    • Unexpected Extreme Delightful surprise

#4 Call for Action with a beautiful jingle:

Jingle means after seeing your ad people start humming. Inside these jingles are hidden commands, a hidden command which is registered by going to your mind. And many times you hum and then go to the shop and buy the same. Your subconscious mind can register music and jingle more easily as it goes to tune and generates a pattern.

If that tune is melodious, it is better composed and especially if you can place a call to action inside your jingle. Could give such instructions. Because of which he should follow it.

#5 Exaggerate the insecurities and fear:

What a lot of brands are doing today. Uncovers the secrets hidden inside yourself. Explore the specialty hidden inside you. To increase, glorify and enhance. You then attach a common sense and urgency to purchasing your product.

For more related information, than you can check out migomail and telcob.

B2B Marketing, B2C Marketing, Digital Marketing, Digital marketing and online marketing, Email Campaign

What is lead Generation and Its Method

Lead Generation is an important concept in marketing. Lead Generation is an essential part of Business Success. It is very helpful not only in your career but also in any kind of business or freelancing. Today I will give you very important information about lead generation such as what is lead generation, what are its methods, how to do it?

Read this blog till the end so that you get to know a lot about lead generation.

Lead Generation

What Is Lead Generation? 

Lead generation in marketing refers to arousing interest in the customer towards the product or service of the business or eager to investigate them, meaning to bring potential buyers. A potential buyer is one who has not purchased your product or service, but the buying process has begun.

So understand the meaning of the potential buyer, like you keep a beautiful packet at the store, and if the customer asks you what that is, that is the customer’s first step towards the product. Chances are that he will buy your product, but currently, he will be the lead for you, this is called lead generation.

How have we done Lead Generation?

Lead generation is done through advertising, or it can also be through organic search results or referrals to existing customers. Potential buyers or customers who meet through lead generation known as Leads.

You can bring leads in many ways like,

  • Via a Digital Internet
  • Personal Referal
  • Telephone Calls
  • Advertisement
  • Events

According to a study, the most useful method of lead generation is email marketing, after which the most used method is content marketing, and then search engine or events. When lead generation is through the Internet, it is called online lead generation.

When a lead is found, it is usually handed over to the individual to follow up, like a salesperson, salesperson will review it and see it is Qualified for potential business or not, can the company will get business with that lead, is that an opportunity to bring business. This opportunity has to go through a lot of stages so that the company can turn it into a customer.

It will be a bit difficult for you to understand, let me give an example. If a bank has to sell its home loan, how will it generate leads? They can adopt many ways, but for this example, let’s say they give a form on their website, which users can fill it and tell their interest. The user comes to the website and see “Applying For home loan” submit this form. User fills their name, email address, and phone no. into the form and submit it, then the bank gets an email notification. Some executives will read and understand a lead has been generated.

Now to the lead i.e. who has filled this form, the executive will make a phone call to that potential customer and ask him a lot of things and will give information about the loan. If the customer replies that yes he has to take a loan, then the executive will check if he is eligible for the loan. If according to the information given by the customer, he is eligible, then they will take his request and collect the necessary documents for the loan from the customer. Then the executive will send documents to another department. Then there will be many levels ahead like loans sanction approval, or rejection. If approved, it will be disbursed further and become the customer of the bank. Now he has become a customer for the bank from a potential customer.

So you saw how these stages happen. It is an example of a bank loan, but every product and services have their own stages, some have fewer stages and some have more stages. So lead is normally the contact information of a customer, who is interested in your product and services.

Types of Lead

Leads are of two types.

  1. Marketing Leads
  2. Sales Leads

Marketing Leads: Marketing leads are brand-specific leads, which are done to generate a unique advertiser offer. Marketing leads are sold only once. Marketing qualified leads who come through inbound channels such as web search or content marketing and those who have shown interest in the company’s product and service. They are yet to interact with the sales team.

lead generation

Sales Lead: Sales leads are generated on the basis of demographic criteria such as income, age, location, etc. Sales lead normally follow up by the phone calls via sales executive. A sales lead can be sold to multiple advertisers. Generally, we find it in Mortgage, Insurance, or Financial Industries. Sales qualified leads are those who are screen by a sales-executive, who can check whether it is fulfilling the criteria of follow-up or not such as what their need, interest, budget, etc.

lead generation

Now I will tell you more interesting things about online lead generation. In Digital Marketing, online lead generation is a significant topic. Let’s come to know the various methods which are used in online lead generation. It is a term of online marketing, which generate through the internet.

Methods Of Lead Generation

  1. Social Media
  2. Email Marketing
  3. Online Advertising
    • CPM (Cost Per Thousand)
    • CPC (Cost Per Click)
    • Cost Per Acquisition

Social Media

A lot of social networking websites have come in this era, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumbler, Linkedin, and many more. So the company does not want to miss this chance of lead generation. Many companies market their products and services on all these social sites. Create a company profile page on these all social sites and they post their company’s product and services photo, video, features, and many things related to this daily therefore people must be aware of their product and services and run ads on these social sites to reach different people to generate a lead. Also, post about jobs to get new candidates on LinkedIn.

Email Marketing

Lead generation is also done through email marketing. Email is still the most widely used method in lead generation. With email marketing, you can send mail to interested people from time to time and make them eager to buy your product and service.

Online Advertising

Online advertising is also used to generate leads. There are three types of models in online advertising which marketers can use.

  1. CPM (cost per mile/thousand): In this, the advertiser is charged for the impression, impression means that every time people see your ad, such as an image is online and people see it. Now the problem is that even if your audience does not click on that ad, you will still be charged.
  2. CPC (cost per click): CPC solves the charges levied for not clicking on advertisements in CPM. It is charged when viewers click on an advertisement.
  3. Cost Per Acquisition: It usually has two options, the first is the cost per acquisition and the second is the cost per lead. In Cost per lead, you pay an advertiser for the lead, this means you get the contact information of the person who is interested in your product. You can collect the contact detail of people by using the form. On the other side, in the cost per acquisition, advertisers pay on completion of sales such as when a credit card transaction has been completed.


The precise job of lead generation is that whoever is interested in the product and service get their contact information and convert them from potential buyer to buyer. Many methods available in the market to generate leads for our business such as

  • Online Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media

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B2B Marketing, Digital Marketing, Digital marketing and online marketing, Election Cmapaigns, Email Campaign, Email Hosting, Email Marketing, Email marketing service providers in india, Email Marketing Software, email marketing statistics, Email Marketing Tips, Marketing, Marketing Automation, SEO

5 Significance of E-mail Marketing for Small Enterprise

Significance of E-mail Marketing for Small Enterprise has become the most preferred internet marketing tool for various Enterprises. When done properly, this method of marketing can generate the right Enterprise leads for online Enterprises. According to the 2016 State of Small Enterprise Report, 54% of small Enterprise use an email marketing strategy. Since email marketing has the highest return on investment on most traditional marketing tactics and is one of the most cost-effective marketing tools, more than half of small Enterprises using this strategy should be. here 5 Significance of E-mail Marketing for Small Enterprise:-

5 Significance of E-mail Marketing for Small Enterprise

Now Let me tell you the 5 Significance of E-mail Marketing for Small Enterprise-

Cost Effective:

It is easy, effective and inexpensive. Email marketing allows Enterprise owners to reach a large number of consumers at a rate of almost nothing per message. For small Enterprise owners on a budget, this makes it a better choice than traditional marketing channels such as TV, radio or direct mail.

Complete Control:

A major advantage of email marketing is that your email list is under you and under your control. Unlike marketing strategies through their social media platforms, which are online real estate that can change at one time – such as Facebook’s topical algorithm – your ability to reach customers on your email list does not change, unless fixed. As such, they do not unsubscribe.


When you use an email marketing software, you can track who opened your email, which link is clicked, and how many people are unsubscribed. You can easily get a picture of how your email campaigns are performing, make adjustments and improve your effectiveness. It is important to remember the email marketing matrix as you monitor and measure your internet marketing strategy.

Higher Conversion:

Your customers have agreed to contact you by adding you to their email list. You have already converted them. Furthermore, joining your email list suggests that they are already interested enough in your company and want to know more. There is a high probability that they will actually read or attach the information you have sent.

More effective than social media:

Social media is an extremely important component in the marketing strategy of any Enterprise. Social media is a great channel for interacting with your audience and strengthening your personal relationships with them. And because of that, it is an important first step towards reaching its ultimate goal – dialogue.

Email marketing has become the most preferred internet marketing tool for various Enterprises. When done properly, this method of marketing can generate the right Enterprise leads for online Enterprises. According to the 2016 State of Small Enterprise Report, 54% of small Enterprise use email marketing strategies. Since email marketing has the highest return on investment on most traditional marketing strategies and is one of the most cost-effective marketing tools, more than half of small Enterprises using this strategy should be.

For more related information, you can check Mailcot and Migomail.

Digital Marketing, Digital marketing and online marketing, Email Campaign, Email Hosting, Email Marketing, Email marketing service providers in india, Email Marketing Software, email marketing statistics, Email Marketing Tips

5 Cause your E-mail Marketing Get Refused

There’s nothing worse than checking your email and finding that annoying email from last night – trying to get back into your inbox for another round. If you are striking in your email marketing campaigns, you should change your pitch. There are 5 Cause your E-mail Marketing Get Refused:-

5 Cause your E-mail Marketing Get Refused

Your subject lines made a bad first impression : E-mail Marketing Get Refused

Your recipient’s experience with your email begins at any point before it starts – with the title. A great deal is riding on these 50 characters or less. Some exemplary titles “Don’ts” include tedious copying, all CAPS, improper exclamation points and – obviously – misleading messages. You can get the title “Caution” or “Re-Open”, although it is not found by you, the customers.

You bored them to death : E-mail Marketing Get Refused

Are your emails dry, long and additionally tedious? Imagine that the recipient is searching for her shoes, her dog is barking to go outside, and she is late for a meeting. He does not have a year to translate and break your language. This is your shot. Try not to waste it.

You forgot to test your display : E-mail Marketing Get Refused

You cannot show up to date in a tainted shirt or with your shoes on – this is why you notice your presence before you arrive. Email is comparable. Try not to get into your client’s inbox without testing your show.

What to do: Before telling an email, test it on all email subscribers and keep in mind that versatile.

You advertised a bigger, better, or cheaper version of yourself:

Do not increase your height in your online dating profile, and do not make false promises in your email. Are you a car dealership? Fantastic – I’m in the market for a car! If you do not claim a sale once in your lifetime, claim that your deals happen “once in a lifetime”.

If you uncover qualities you don’t really have, your customer will eventually find out.

Mail account used by spam server : E-mail Marketing Get Refused

Many parents and students are finding out that their email accounts have been compromised in the past and are used by spam servers to relay spam messages to others. When this happens, their email account gets blocked.

For more related information you can check Mailcot and Migomail.

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