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Email Marketing In India

Email Campaign, Email Marketing, Marketing

How to Better Your Email Marketing Services Strategy in 2021

One month into 2021 and you can hear the distant rally cry that Email Marketing Services are smarter, stronger, and going to be a popular topic throughout 2021 (and in the years to come).
Email marketing continues to be one of the top-performing tactics that inbound professionals have in their toolbox. Each year is a new opportunity to be human, helpful, and holistic with your email marketing strategy.

In 2021, email is going to continue to improve and evolve. With GDPR launching in May, multi-channel conversations, and new technology always on the rise. A there lot to be excited about and get prepared for.

The very first email sent in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson. It was a short note, sent from one computer in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to another computer in the same room. It was another 20 years before email became popular. Today, email marketing is ubiquitous.

You need an email address to do just about anything online including pay your bills, sign up for a social media account, access your bank account, or apply for a job.

Here are A Few More Email Facts You Might Not Know

• In 2020, Livewire reported an estimated 260 billion emails sent every day.

• There are nearly 5,500 million active email accounts in the world.

• The average office worker receives 121 emails every day.

Despite the rampant advances in social media marketing, emails remain as important as ever for businesses to connect with leads and customers. Since a lot of digital marketers have realized the high ROI and customer acquisition rates emails offer, an individual’s inbox has become an ultra-competitive zone with multiple brands vying for his or her attention. That means your marketing emails have to be absolutely spot-on if you want to survive, let alone win, the game.

Email Marketing Services Strategy

Here Are Four Ways You Can Improve Your Email Marketing Services Strategy In 2021:-

Use Attractive Subject Line

90 percent of email’s open rate is increased by having an attractive subject line. Because the user first reads the subject line of the email, if the subject line is attractive, the chances of opening the mail are increased.

Here I will give you some examples of subject lines on how to write an attractive subject line.

  • open to see our top picks of sale (Kate Spade)
  • Save money. Don’t leave the couch. (Dollar Shave Club)
  • Forget Your Troubles, Come On Get Matchy! (Patpat)
  • A Sale of ❄ and ? (ThinkGeek)

Use Segmented Emails Instead of Broadcast Emails.

Companies generally tend to send the same emails to all the contacts on their subscriber list. Sure, they may personalize for each individual, but the crux of each message remains unchanged. This results in a lot of subscribers receiving emails that are irrelevant to them, which in turn lowers open rates and increases unsubscribe rates.

Segmented emails are the solution to this problem. Such emails sent to specific segments within a subscriber base — divided based on previous interactions with a brand, demographics, interests, and position in the buyer’s journey. Research has shown that segmented emails generate 18 times more revenue, and have a five percent higher click-through rate than broadcast emails.

Send Emails Only to Those Subscribers Who Care.

Businesses need to understand the importance of marketing to that person who genuinely cares about what they’re being offered. The first step is to send emails only to those people who have willingly given you their information; never message contacts acquired from purchased email lists. Even among those who have given you their email, there will undoubtedly be a marketing-averse few who won’t ever open your emails.

Repeatedly sending emails to these people will decimate your email opens and engagement rates, which in turn may cause Email Marketing Services to mark them as spam. It’s a good idea to avoid sending emails to unengaged subscribers or at least limit the number of times you contact them to once or twice a month.

Figure Out What’s Going Wrong And Fix It. Fast And Immediately.

If you think your email marketing efforts aren’t proving to be as effective as you hoped them to be, it isn’t a bad idea to take a break and analyze what’s going wrong. If your emails have low open rates, try experimenting with different subject lines and send emails from a personal address instead of a company.

A rise in un-subscriptions, while not debilitating on its own, is usually indicative of forthcoming spam complaints. That’s why it’s essential for you to figure out exactly why people are unsubscribing from your emails. If you can’t find anything wrong, stop sending emails to those people who don’t open them and instead focus on those who have high engagement rates.

Getting marked as spam is fatal for your email marketing strategy. Your domain’s reputation goes down and you run the risk of being blacklisted by email services. If your emails are getting marked as spam, stop sending them immediately. And find out what’s causing your subscribers to take this action. Maybe it’s a faulty CTA, a malfunctioning sign-up form, or a missing link; whatever it is, it’s crucial to identify and fix it before resuming your email marketing services efforts.

Constant Testing Is The Way To Go.

The ideal email marketing service strategy. The one that pays the most dividends for the time and effort you put into it. Formulated by excessive trial and error experimentation. No fixed set of rules that guarantee a successful email marketing services strategy. Only guidelines that you have to work within to create one for yourself.

Testing things like the days and times when you send your emails. The subject lines you use, and which types of your emails have the highest engagement allows. So that you to better understand your subscribers’ behavior. This also helps you create effective Email Marketing Services campaigns. That resonates with your subscribers and has the intended effect on them.

Email Campaign, Email Hosting, Email Marketing, Email marketing service providers in india, Email Marketing Software, Email Marketing Tips, Latest Technology, Latest Trends, Marketing

Top Email Marketing Implementation Tips

Email marketing implementation also requires significant planning and consideration. Because by spending enough time for your email marketing strategy, you can meet your customer goals more effectively and provide customers with the best marketing possible.

Here are some email marketing implementation tips that can be very helpful in email marketing:

  1. Planning
  2. Email Design
    • Styling
    • Textual Content
    • Proof Reading
    • Customization
    • Personalisation
    • Scheduling and Timing

01# Planning

Email Marketing

Email marketing planning only involves deciding what to do, how to do it and by whom. Before going on board you need to get the answer: –

    • What is the purpose of sending mail?
    • Who do you need to send it to?
    • What do you want to achieve with this?
    • What strategies will you use to make your action effective?
    • These are just a few examples of how to get started because it is very important to have a clear idea of what we are doing and why.

02# Email Design

Email MarketingAfter making a proper plan and now you know what your purpose is, you need to design mail. Designing for email (email marketing) is important because you are making an impression on the audience and you certainly do not want it vague or any less professional than you should be.

Following are the components of designing email:

  • Styling- You should keep mail user friendly but no less professional. No one is going directly into action after reading your mail, but it has been proven that how it is written is a driving factor in email marketing.

Consider the points before finalizing the template:

    • Template color combination
    • Font styles, drawings, and tables are used.
    • Avoid the use of words such as sale, offer, discount.
    • Use more text and less image.
  • Textual Content- Next important is email content (email marketing). Make it clear enough to make it simple, easy to understand and self-explanatory. Your content should push the user to act on the mail in the recipient. Do not overload the recipient with information. Be specific and do not leave any question in the mind of the reader.

Note the points given below:

    •  Exciting title to make readers curious to open mailing
    • Avoid lessons like discounts, offers, prizes, deadlines etc.
    • Add items to your product features such as bullet points.
    • Links to your digital assets to reach customers
    • A link to unsubscribe your email. Yes you must
  • Proof Reading- It is important that your content should be flawless because you cannot make any silly mistake while presenting yourself. That is why the content should be proofed.
  • Customization- Customization includes a creative and civilized approach to layout, the main body of mail, subject lines, pictures, links, and everything else that is part of email in email marketing. Go for formatting and outline that looks attractive and consistent.
  • Personalisation- The best part of email marketing which is personalization of email. The reader can be specifically addressed by entering their name in specific columns of the email database. It goes a long way to get to know your audience.
  • Scheduling and timing- Mail timing plays an important role in email marketing and you must ensure that all emails, whether direct or transactional, are properly scheduled. If you schedule your emails during work hours it will give you better results as most of us are active but it also depends on the nature of the mail. So keep a check on the range of mail.

For more related information about Email Marketing Implementation Tips, Go and check out- Mailcot and telcob.

Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Email marketing service providers in india, Mail Marketing, Mail Marketing India, Marketing

Importance of Email Marketing

“A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is–it is what consumers tell each other it is” -Scott Cook.

Business is a pace of rapid development, and in this era of advancement and growth, if a person/business wants to grow high on the fields, he/she should know how to cope with this advancement and achieve true success.

There is a well-said idiom: 

A fog cannot be dispelled by a fan. 

Yes, it is a truth of life. 

It takes a lot of effort to achieve big things.

This Idiom sets on every aspect of life whether it is business, study, jobs, etc.  

If you want to bring growth in your business, marketing plays a big role in it.

Now, what does marketing mean? Let’s see the basic definition:

Importance of Email Marketing

What is Marketing?

Importance of Email Marketing

Marketing is the process of interesting potential customers and clients in your products and/or services. The keyword in this marketing definition is “process”; marketing involves researching, promoting, selling, and distributing your products or services.

There are basically two types of marketing traditional and digital marketing.

Traditional marketing and Digital marketing both are important for a business to grow. Up until the development of the internet in the 1990s, traditional marketing was pretty much the only type of marketing.

But, as technology grew digital marketing comes in. Digital marketing is marketing which is done through a digital medium such as Website and Social Media Marketing.

Email Marketing is one of the types of digital marketing. It is a well-known term in digital marketing.

If we are talking about marketing than there is no option to left digital marketing. As we all know that traditional marketing is one of the oldest ways of doing marketing, and is continued because of its approach. But, as technology has evolved in the past few years, digital marketing is being proven as one of the brightest ways of doing marketing.

Digital marketing has a great impact on marketing. 

It has some new techniques which help a business to grow digitally. And the number of users is growing at rapid speed on digital platforms.

Digital marketing has the following specific features:

If someone wants to grow business with no geographical boundation then it is one of the best ways to promote brands and businesses.

Email marketing is one of the trending words which you generally hear when you are reading about digital marketing or social media marketing.

If you are a businessman who wants to get connected with your customers then email marketing is the tool that helps you to get connected with your consumers.

Email marketing plays an important role in marketing strategies.

The following are some key points that clear your vision more that:

Does Email Marketing is a good or bad option for marketing?


Does email marketing still work?


Importance of Email Marketing:

Importance of Email Marketing  Importance of Email Marketing 

  • Email Marketing generates a good Return on Investment: 

Importance of Email Marketing


As we all know that every person wants to invest money form where he/she get’s the maximum output. And Email Marketing is one of the best options for them to invest in.  Because email marketing provides a high Return on Investment(ROI) if the campaign is applied in a specific manner.

Basically, Email Marketing ROI is the amount someone spends on the email marketing campaign(advertisement, creating targeted email campaigns, collecting email lists, and other important aspects), and how much he/she earns through that email marketing campaign.

  • Email Marketing helps you to grow your business:


Importance of Email Marketing


Marketing plays an important role in business. Although the ROI varies differently on different platforms of marketing. And for every business the amount which they spend on marketing they want the highest return through which they can generate good revenue.

Email Marketing helps you to promote your brand or business. As we know that the number of email users in the world is around “3.9 billion”. This number itself proves the power of email marketing. You can easily promote your campaign on email marketing.

  • Billions of Emails are sent daily:

Importance of Email Marketing

According to Statista, 306.4 billion emails are sent and received per day in 2020 worldwide. And this figure is expected to increase over 347 billion daily emails in 2022.

The share of marketing in which email marketing grabs is pretty much good in amount. This will definitely help the business to grow and achieve the heights if the email marketing campaign proceeds smartly.

The above 3 Keypoints clear your vision that why email marketing is important for a business. And how it will help to grow it?

Importance of Email Marketing  Importance of Email Marketing 

Also Read: Top 5 Best Email Marketing Service Providers in 2020. 



B2B Marketing, Business, Digital Marketing, Digital marketing and online marketing, Digital Marketing Experts, Email Campaign, Email Hosting Services provider In India, Email Marketing, Email Marketing Software, Mail Marketing, Mail Marketing India, Marketing

5 Best Cheapest Email Marketing Services

A cheap and affordable email marketing service isn’t difficult to find. On the research for the cheapest email marketing services to run your campaigns without wanting to take out a second contract?  In this blog, we’re going to introduce the cheapest email marketing services options. We’ll examine what makes each one unique, and help you settle on the best solution for your business. Choosing the right email marketing service can have a significant impact on the success of your marketing campaign. Let’s read various cheapest email marketing services !! cheapest email marketing services

Why Choose The Best Email Marketing Services ?

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing instruments for small businesses. According to a study, email marketing on average equals a 4300 percent return on investment (ROI) for businesses in the United States. This is because email marketing is simple to operate, gives you whole control, and supports you to establish a direct connection with your customers. Not convinced on email marketing? See these email marketing services for why growing an email list is so great today.

It’s essential to know that a lot of your profit with email marketing depends only on the email marketing software you choose because they are answerable for making sure that your emails really go delivered. If you aren’t accurate, then you will end up paying a lot more money for some features and disastrous email deliverability rates (which causes you to drop even more money). ( 

cheapest email marketing services






They are No.1 Mass Mailing Service Provider Company in India. They provide the Best and Cheap Email Marketing Services.Boost your sales and business with Bulk Email Marketing Services, we provide email newsletters, email drip campaigns, automated welcome emails, email template design, copywriting, transactional emails, email analytics, contact forms for your website, email software setup, email CRM integration, compliance with GDPR and federal CAN-SPAM laws.

Provides services such as :-

  • Email Marketing

Email Marketing Services allows your business to email the consumer whenever you want. While not every email needs to be a sales pitch, your contact with the customer should provide something of value to them.

  • Transactional SMTP

If you are looking for a Transactional SMTP service, then you probably have an application that sends out either marketing or transactional messages and is searching for a host to relay these messages in bulk.


  • Marketing Automation

Create fully automated campaigns with the world’s most intuitive workflow builder. Apply tags, trigger campaigns, add delays, branch with if-then logic, and do about 30 other things.


2. SendinBlue (


As one of the cheapest email marketing software options, SendinBlue’s key selling point is its scalability. If you’re looking to try out an email campaign or two without investing a ton of resources, you can start out on the free plan and work your way up as needed.This service also makes email marketing a very streamlined affair, with many templates and workflows to help get you up and running in a flash.

3. SendGrid (

The SendGrid website.

While SendGrid is one of the cheapest email marketing software tools, it can still get pricey if you have a lot of contacts.However, it’s ideal for smaller businesses that don’t need to send a lot of emails but do want access to a ton of features and customization options. SendGrid also offers a custom API, making it a solid choice for developers.

4.Cakemail (

cheapest email marketing services

If you’re looking for a simple and streamlined option, Cakemail can be an excellent choice.While it lacks some of the automation features more elaborate services offer, it makes managing your list and creating email campaigns simple and painless.It’s a solid option for small businesses that need basic email marketing features without all the frills (and associated costs).

5. MailerLite (

cheapest email marketing services

All in all, MailerLite is one of the best and most well-rounded options available.It provides plenty of help creating your emails, managing your list, and automating your campaigns, while keeping the cost low.In addition, it’s a particularly strong choice if you’re also looking for a tool to help you design pop-ups on your site to attract subscribers, as well as landing pages where you can send those who open your emails. cheapest email marketing services

B2B Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing Tips

Competitive Email Marketing Tips for B2B Marketing


Email marketing tips

email marketing tips, email marketing tips for b2b marketing, email marketing

Social media marketing and the content used, are excellent means for nurturing leads through the sales funnel but with limitations. These two have their own limitations. To get site content in front of leads requires high search rankings for relevant keywords. Similarly, social media posts have a short life span with a lot of competition.

There is no guarantee that the content published on these channels will discover. Therefore, email marketing is the way to increase the percentage that the content created will be consumed.

By adding email marketing tips or strategies of the modern world to existing lead nurturing efforts, one can deliver the right content, at the right time and at the right place. You can easily deliver personalized content directly to leads on a channel they monitor on a daily basis or actively.

6 Basic Tips For B2B Marketing

email marketing tips, email marketing tips for b2b marketing, email marketing tips for b2b marketer

Use the Account-Based Marketing Approach to Target

Today,s email marketing best strategies are less like social media marketing and more like account-based marketing. Instead of casting a wide net with an email blast, leads must be segmented into groups. Email blasts are dead. For nurturing leads, you must segment customers into groups according to their buying journey. This is simple if you have a list of contacts who’ve downloaded gated content. Try to determine particular positions in the buying journey or previous buying behavior that each piece of gated content caters to. And then follow up with individuals who have downloaded that content. Email marketing services help you to segment individuals and deliver emails according to their interests.    google 


Optimize Emails for Mobile

If emails forgo mobile optimization then you will definitely lose a huge portion of your audience. Most of the emails are opened on mobiles, there are a few percent of the audience who open emails on desktop. Structuring the content is important too. Always lead with the most important information to grab attention immediately. Use short and strong paragraphs for easy reading on mobile. On the top, you must include your call to action. Make sure buttons and links are big enough to tap easily.


Engage With Trigger-Based-Campaigns

Trigger-based email marketing automatically sends emails to individuals based on their actions. Trigger-based campaigns really shine in nurturing lead when you adopt a marketing automation platform. Email marketing tips for b2b marketing

For instance, trigger-based campaigns could send a welcome email, send a thank you email and send a reminder or discount code.

B2B Marketing

Personalize Emails

Personalized emails are more likely to be opened and will lead to more click rates. It is an effective means to build relations. For referring leads you should start with their names but there are many other ways to take personalization to a further step. Use DOB to send messages on their birthdays, send a thank you promotion message at that particular date on which the person subscribed and send messages from personal accounts instead of a business account. This will make the conversation more one-to-one.

email marketing tips

Customize Dynamic Content

It is also known as ‘smart content’. In dynamic content email displayed differently to each recipient based on collected data. The very first step is determining what data is important and to cater customers needs to utilize the data correctly. Like utilizing age, gender, etc will help you connect real contacts with buyers personas. This will be a guide to dynamic content decision making.     GOOGLE

email marketing tips for b2b marketing

Make Emails Interactive

An interactive email shows the functionality of the web page. It saves time on the recipient’s end and then they can respond instantly and easily. An interactive email will lead to an increase in sales and revenue.

Email marketing India         B2B Marketer      b2b business    email marketing service providers 

B2B Marketing 

B2B Marketing

Read more:

Email Marketing

Improve Your Sale with Mailcot Email Marketing

Change your gear of selling product and services through Email Marketing. Email marketing also affords you with a lot of data that can be used to judge performance and make advances in open rates, click-through rates, spam complaints, unsubscribe rates, etc.

For example, let’s assume you just moved into a new residence and recognized that your bed doesn’t suit so you’ll need to acquire a new one. You go to a few various websites to do some analysis but are not quite ready to make a shopping. Then, the next day one of those sites sends you an email with a code for 25% off your first acquisition. All of an immediate, purchasing that Bed becomes a bit more affordable and the welcome email could then make you return the site and take action. But, without the welcome email and exclusive offer, you may not have gone back to make a shopping. The welcome email helped to generate a sale by keeping your furniture needs top of mind.

How to Boost Your Sale with Email Marketing

Know Your Audiences

The email messages that you send out to your subscribers need to be relevant to their interests. This can only happen when you know and understand your target audience well enough.

Every subscriber on your email list is different, which is why it would be a mistake to send them the same email message. Emails relevant to the recipient tend to drive 18 times more revenue when compared to general emails. So taking a targeted approach definitely makes a difference.

Personalizing the beginning with a simple, ‘Hi’ can help to engage the reader enough to get them to at least begin to read your offer.

Scrub Your Email List Regularly

When someone is adding his or her email address to your list it’s possible they make a mistake, provide a fake email altogether or they eventually change to a new email address. This can have a negative effect on your email delivery performance, as the emails can bounce, go directly into spam folders and even get you labelled as a spammer. Run your list through a scrubbing and verification service on a regular basis to make sure you are always working with an accurate list.

Short and Effective

Keeping your emails simple helps you get a better response from your campaign. The idea is to make your subscribers aware of the offer you have for them. It is not too hard to sell them but to give them a soft nudge. If they find your offer interesting enough, you will find them visiting your website to learn more about it. By keeping your emails short and to the point, you make it easy for people to take action.

Unique Subject Line

Avoid tricks. They may work once, but they erode trust and debase most brands. In fact, A/B testing your subject line is easy (just divide your list in two and track open rate, click through rate, and purchase/conversion rate on the landing page by subject line A vs B. All other parts of the emails are the same, just a different subject line.) This lets you use email to build your best version of sales scripting to use on your website, offline marketing collateral, and even in your live salesperson scripting.

One Clear Call-to-Action Per Email

“If you don’t have one clearly defined call-to-action, you are going to experience minimal results. Your subscribers don’t have time to read through long emails, trying to determine what you want them to do or what exactly your offer is. If your recipient doesn’t know what you want them to do within seconds of opening your email, whether that’s visiting a page, calling a phone number or completing a form, they will most likely delete your email,”.

Tips to Improve Your Email Marketing

  • Test and find your most effective email format(s). (E.g. Text vs HTML. Short vs long form. Etc.
  • Make your email mobile/small screen friendly.
  • Test your messages before you send them on multiple browsers and readers.
  • Have a second set of eyes review your email.
  • Make sure all key images are “clickable” and all videos have a “play” button.
  • If an email (or email campaign) was successful, re-use it.
  • Make your emails valuable.





Email Marketing, Marketing

Why Email Marketing is Important in 2018?

Did you know that email marketing provides an average ROI of $44 for every $1 spent?

Why is email marketing so effective? Because it allows businesses to quickly and efficiently send personalized marketing materials to specific audiences. 83% of B2B marketers are leveraging email marketing campaigns to generate new business opportunities

Marketing through email can be a fast, flexible and cost-effective way of reaching new customers and retaining existing customers.

Filtering Your Email Marketing in 2018

A Complete Analysis of Email Marketing

Now we discuss how email marketing will be essential for your company in 2018. Let’s run through a few things you can do to improve your email campaigns this year.

Targeted Marketing Opportunities

Unlike many other marketing opportunities, when properly implemented, email marketing can provide your business with various ways to target specific customers. To do this, make sure that your email marketing software allows for lead scoring. Once a user fulfilled the criteria you have defined, then follow up them with targeted messaging to drive the funnel.

For example, let’s say that you send out an email that contains information on a sale. You have also set up lead scoring to know who has bought something as a result of this email and someone who has not. Your email marketing software follows up automatically with an email (possibly a discount code) to entice them for purchase.

For those that did purchase, they could be placed into an email campaign that could provide tips and tricks on how to use the product they just purchased. Perhaps, if the product they purchased has a steep learning curve, you could offer a series of emails that are essentially an onboarding process.

More Personal and Targeted than Social Media

While there are many benefits of using social media for your business, there are many of your customers who might not use social media. However, these people more than likely have an email address.

There are numerous ways to capture a customer’s email address. A few ways are having a form on your website, asking them during the account creation or checkout process, or even asking them during a phone call. Pair their email address up with a first and last name and you have the foundation set for sending personalized emails, meaning you could dynamically insert their information within emails or subject lines.

Personalize your Email Marketing List

Once you have the basic contact information from a customer, you can implement progressive profiling to gather more information.  No matter what you ask, keep it short in length and questions. The user submits the form, they get the ebook they wanted, you get the info you needed.

Just think of the ways you can use this additional info to provide targeted and personalized messaging to your customer database. Once you have gained additional information, you could put certain users into new nurturing campaigns to continue the email marketing relationship.

Data-Driven & Measurable

Knowing what works and what doesn’t is key to the success and improvement of a marketing campaign. With email marketing, you get insights into your initiatives.

Insight into a metric like open rates which is what percent of users who actually opened the email you sent. One key factor in improving open rates is having an intriguing subject line. Creating eye-catching subject line results in higher open rates.

Another metric your business can track is (CTR), which is essentially what percent people clicked on a link within the email. If you are really doing email marketing right, you should split test different calls to actions (CTA) within your email copy (and even subject lines). Knowing if one particular phrasing works better than others in generating click-through, can provide exponential results to your campaign.

Having access to these metrics help your business keep tabs on what is or not working in your email marketing initiatives.

Permission to Contact Prospects & Clients

Let’s face it, it is much easier to see results by contacting those who want to hear from you. This is done very easily in email marketing by confirming their email address after submission business. This is called a “double opt-in”, meaning that not only did the user submit their email address, but they are confirming they did so by logging into their email and clicking on a verification link you send them.

Complete Authority of Email Marketing Campaign

By clicking this verification email, they are granting you permission to contact them via email.

Now that you have their permission, you must be conscious of how often you email them do n’t flood their inbox with your messages. Users will start to ignore your emails, or worse unsubscribe completely from your email list.

With permission to email, your business can do a number of things with email marketing. You can create nurturing campaigns, send them monthly newsletters, or use it for progressive profiling.

Stay Top of Mind

Email marketing allows your business to email the consumer whenever you want. While not every email needs to be a sales pitch, your contact with the customer should provide something of value to them. Whether this is a link to your latest blog post, an email asking them questions relating to your industry, or even an update on new products coming out in the near future; using email to stay connected to your customers keeps your brand in the forefront of their minds.

With the personalization of email, you can tailor your message to be warm and friendly. The personal touch will help them connect with your company on a personal level and not think you are just interested in having them buy something. This ultimately builds relationships, loyalty, and trust among your subscribers.

Generate Sales

Email marketing can be a channel to help you increase sales when implemented properly. I am not talking about blasting your list with sales pitch after sales pitch. That won’t work out too well. Your business needs to use email marketing the right way.

Through lead scoring, and well-defined email campaigns, a business can know when a customer is primed for a purchase. Knowing where your customer is in the funnel through lead scoring will give you insights on when to be more aggressive with sales based messaging.

Generate Sales Through Email MarketingBeing able to lead the customer further down the funnel on their own terms is a powerful tool. By allowing them to exhibit certain actions before hitting them up for a sale will not only make your customer happy but your bottom line as well.

Cost Effective & Affordable

The costs of email marketing can be much lower than many other forms of marketing. There are no advertising fees, printing or media space costs. Sure there will be some initial implementation costs, but once the foundation is set, the ongoing maintenance cost is minimal compared to the return.

Real-Time Marketing

Through email marketing, you can connect with customers in real-time. Using automated triggers, such as website activity, recent purchase or shopping cart abandonment, you can reach the right audience, at the right time, in the right place and with the right offer.

Business, Email Marketing, Marketing Automation

How marketing has changed in last 10 years

The marketing world has changed dramatically over the last ten years. I have had to personally go through a digital transformation to truly understand how to best market business (Online Marketing ) and because of this. We have analyzed every step of a customer acquisition journey.

I have analyzed some of the major changes. Now we will discuss these changes made in marketing in brief:

Online Marketing has become Key

Over the last ten years, we’ve adapted to using the online world to listen, research, and find products/services we want to buy. For any business in any industry, it’s no longer a nice to have it’s a necessity. Being present online is only step one of letting customers know what we do. We must also build brand awareness and engage with our community to build trust.

You Need to be brand Consistent

Customers used to look at maybe one or two websites when wanting to make a purchase. They wouldn’t go to 10-20 different websites and look at reviews, social activity and how a business was dealing with customer service. For a business to succeed in the marketing world now, they need to be brand consistent.

It takes on average ten touch-points for a customer to trust, and purchase from a business. It never used to be this difficult, or complex.

The Need To Be Digital has Businesses Worried

I found some interesting statistics from a study ran by Adobe. They found that less than half of the professionals considered themselves to be highly proficient in digital marketing. The study also showed that only 9% agreed that their digital marketing is “working”.

Businesses are worried about embracing digital and are finding it hard to be truly successful through their digital marketing. Digital marketing was barely an after-thought ten years ago but now, it is the primary focus and one which does have businesses worried.

The Cost Of Marketing Has Increased Dramatically

Over the last ten years, there have been some major advancements in technology. And because of this, a larger budget is being put in place by businesses (Online marketing) so that they can stay ahead of their competitors.

This also includes hiring more knowledgeable people to take control of a digital aspect of the business as well as having freelancer help with content creation, and paid advertisement. The ways in which we can engage with consumers has increased. And there are endless opportunities but it does cost money to explore these and put a strategy in place.

Social media is game Changer

Businesses (Online Marketing) have been quick to realize, especially over the last five years, how critically important Social Media is to generating revenue and brand awareness.

As more potential customers are turning to Social Media as a way to engage online, businesses (Online Marketing) have had to follow suit. Something I always say as a way to be successful is to take the conversation to your customer. Go to where they want to hang out and that is Social Media.

Credibility is More Important Now, Than Ever Before

Credibility is what can make or break a business. You need to be memorable, and authentic.

This doesn’t mean that you say something headline-grabbing and then because you have a lot of short-term interest that you suddenly have credibility. It doesn’t work like that. Building long-term relationships with your audience and a brand that is credible and respectable will win in the long run.

A Business-First VS. An Audience-First Strategy

Having an audience-first strategy means that you are creating content that your audience wants from you, and not what you want to create as a business.

The above is a given, but there has been a slight change. There needs to be the delivery of the correct message, to your target audience, at the right time and using the right social network to achieve success. So, to understand how this can be done, do your research and find out where your target audience “hangs out” online.

This has been a huge shift over the last ten years. Businesses (Online Marketing) would be successful through being in essence; selfish. Creating “me, me, me” content worked. It doesn’t anymore.

A short video is Here which shows how marketing is evolved…

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