
B2B Marketing

B2B Marketing, Email Campaign, Email Marketing, Email marketing service providers in india, Email Marketing Software, SMTP Server

Took The Best Action for B2B Email Marketing

Part of any successful B2B email marketing strategy involves the integration of email marketing. Strategically crafted emails can achieve optimal standard results in the areas of lead generation, nurture, and turn current customers into repeat buyers. Below are seven quality practices that reduce common hassles and ensure that each e-mail will not only receive the focused recipient but also force the reader to open it.

B2B Email Marketing

Understand the objective

Many people send emails without first understanding the reason for the email. Before drafting a marketing campaign, keep the objective in mind. Is it for sending an email e-newsletter for informational purposes only? Is it for lead generation or to share information to solve customer troubles? It all starts with understanding the purpose.

Consider the ‘from’ name

If a recipient will delete the email, that name is displayed in the determ field. Do not forget to match this field to something familiar to the recipient – such as the symbol the consumer knows and trusts. Being trusted by name promotes a better open rate from customers.

Strong subject line

If the recipient will delete an email, then just the designated name. If the recipient opens the e-mail, the subject line will be determined. Attempt to use words related to the reason for the email. If the email is for a product offering, take advantage of the word speed to stimulate a sense of urgency.


Due to various email clients, email host providers, and other factors, it is mandatory to check email before approval. This includes checking for items that include: electronic mail clients, email templates, spam detection policies, formatting for mobile email recipients between different elements

Proper timing

To ensure the most efficient results, research a selected date and time to broadcast the email message. Many people consider sending an e-mail on Tuesday because Friday is the worst day to send B2B e-mail messages. Many people also agree to send a holiday, such as Sunday helps to increase open rates.


To measure the fulfillment of an e-mail marketing campaign, use reliable statistics and B2B email marketing analytics. Having this data allows special forms of reporting for marketing campaign stakeholders. Contextual metrics help marketers to understand the successful and unsuccessful elements of the campaign and iterate effectively.

Learn and improve

Based on the metrics, keep in mind the areas that exhibit sub-optimal performance and focus efforts on improving them. If the selected area of the identified B2B email marketing campaign needs improvement, such as with subject lines, test along multiple problem lines and see who performs best.

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Email Marketing for Bloggers: A Quick Guide

Ask successful bloggers what they would do if they were beginning over, and they’ll report you, “start making my list quickly.” The purpose well-known bloggers say this is they’ve received that an email list is a fundamental business part of your blog. As you know, social media turns algorithms often, which keeps bloggers venturing. Yet, email is constant. With email marketing for bloggers, you’re in control. You own your list, you send out emails when you want, and you can design a policy that helps your business.

 Email Marketing has a Prominent ROI

Email marketing for bloggers 

Marketing Lead ROI | Sprint Marketing

  • For every $1 you spend on email marketing, the normal return is $44
  • It’s true. Email is like the Little Black Dress of marketing. It goes anywhere and never goes out of fashion. According to research, email users were at 3.9 billion and they’re anticipated to grow to 4.48 billion by 2024.
  • “91% of shoppers want to hear from companies they do business with via email.

With returns like that, why wouldn’t you want to use email marketing as part of your blog? In this article we’ll explore:

  • How  email marketing can grow your blog
  • What to recognize before taking an email service
  • How to create a simple email marketing strategy for your blog. One that leads you leads.

Why Bloggers Practice Email Marketing


15 ways to improve your email marketing campaigns | CIO


If you’re like a group of bloggers, you’ve apparently signed up for a few email lists. Maybe one of your personal bloggers offered a checklist or ran a test, so you signed up, and now you’re on their list. Maybe they send emails to let you know when a new blog post is written. Or, they might send you emails to sell products/services. But one thing is certain, the most successful bloggers have a plan following their email marketing, and they practice email marketing software like Mailcot.

The effective potential of email marketing

Email marketing for bloggers 

email marketing

We’ll share a pure strategy below in a few minutes. But first, let’s consider the affective power of email marketing. With email marketing, you can send a message to thousands of people who’ve asked to hear from you. And because they’ve asked to learn from you, they’re more likely to trust you. Since they trust you, they’re more likely to buy from you.

It’s the like, know, trust factor at play. You already know the inbox is private. You don’t give your email address to just anyone.
It’s the same with your reader. When they sign up to hear from you, they want to receive exciting and important messages from you. Done right, this can be a powerful part of your business and grow both your readership and your bank account.

And since you own your list (unlike social media), it’s estimated a business asset, much like your content is an asset. Now that you have a bit more penetration into why bloggers use email marketing, you might question how it can grow your blog.

How Email Marketing Increase Your Blog Readership?

                     Email marketing for bloggers 

email marketing for blog

Have you ever paid hours on a post? You draft it, edit it, polish it, and finally hit “publish” only to get a limited response? Every blogger’s been there, and it’s no fun. However, when you have a viable email list, it’s less likely to happen. That’s because you can send out an email to your list with a link to your newest blog post.

And, because they’re eager to hear from you, they’ll be likely to click the link and read the post. Sounds easy? It is. It’s also a great way to bring people back to your blog and expand your relationship with your readers. Plus, there’s another advantage to sending out an email with your newest posts too. That’s because you can direct your fans (subscribers) to participate in social media.

You give them the link you want them to have and ask them to share. They deal with their networks, their friends subscribe, and so on. It’s a snowball impact. Even if you don’t have anything to sell yet, it’s still worth starting your email list because you’re improving your connection with your readers. As you build your community, your readers will ask you questions which give you more views for juicy topics they want to hear about.

Give them a weight of value upfront, and when you’re ready with something to sell, you’ll have a ready population of buyers. Here’s a blog newsletter example from This image is showing how can we use email marketing to improve your posts.

Build a Pure Email List Plan for Blog 

Email Marketing For Bloggers 

email marketing for bloggers

Great blogs have a plan for making readers and converting them into customers. The email list is a necessary element. The recruit email list framework looks like this.

  • Reason to sign up (your incentive)
  • Way to sign up (form)
  • Delivery of incentive
  • A new subscriber is added to your email list
  • Send regular emails that fit within your email strategy

Your email marketing software includes the signup form and way to deliver the emails, among other things. We’ll cover how to take an email service software to your blog in a moment, but first, here’s why you want an excuse.

How to Select an Email Service for Blog 

( Email Marketing For Bloggers )

mailcot email marketingmailcot email marketing services


Like most business decisions, choosing an email service or newsletter software depends on many parts of the individual to your business. For example, do you already have a fledgling list or are you starting from scratch?

  • If you now have an email list, how big is it? (Mailcot lets you store extensive contacts at no extra cost but most other email provider fees are based on the number of contacts.)
  • How often do you propose to send an email?
  • What types of emails do you want to send? (e.g. engagement emails, promotional campaigns, weekly blog newsletters, etc.)
  • Do you want to send an automated welcome series when people sign up?
  • Do you want to use customizable email templates? Or do you want to be able to code your emails from scratch using an HTML editor?
  • How much list segmentation do you want to do? (useful if your audience falls into different categories, this way you can send more targeted messages)
  • What kind of analytics do you expect? (open rate, click-through, conversion rate, and new subscribers are typical)
  • Do you want to be able to compose emails through your smartphone?

When you think within the ways you think you’ll use your email marketing software, choose something that can grow with you. You don’t want it to be too basic nor too strong with a lot of bells and signals you won’t use. And of course, take the opportunity to test-drive different solutions.

B2B Marketing, Email Marketing

6 Email Marketing Best Practices : Email Marketing

Here we will explain some basics of email marketing and email marketing best practices.  And, how it works. Once you have finished reading this out you will have the idea about how to launch email marketing for your business. 

What is email marketing?


Importance of email marketing in 2020

From the basic order confirmations to the newsletters, emails are a quintessential viewpoint of the growth and command of your business.

Informing, influencing, and winning the loyalty of recipients who are interested in your offerings.

Marketing emails include a distinct call-to-action intended to generate sales or induce traffic to particular pages of your site.

email marketing, email marketing best practices

Some business goals accomplished by email marketing

There are three categories of objectives that can be achieved with the help of Email Marketing. 

  • Growth or Conversion (selling your offerings)
  • Loyalty of Customer
  • Brand awareness

It is a great channel because email has a specific degree of confidence attached to it. There are so many people, for whom the inbox is an information space loaded with messages from their favorite brands.

Via contacting straight into a recipient’s email inbox, you have an unprecedented opportunity to be present in their everyday lives. This has more impact than posting on social media, where you cannot be certain about the possibilities of seeing your post at all.

Aside from intimacy, email has the inherent etiquette when it comes to delivering important messages. This would explain the importance of email for brands for choosing this channel even in this COVID-19 pandemic for delivering the right pieces of information.

Email plays a vital role in each stage of the buyer’s cycle: Starting with information and prospection stage, even during conversion, and also there is a role of email later on for customer retention.

One of the main advantages of email marketing is its scalability. This refers to the fact that emails can be deployed on a large scale to a wide number of recipients.

The state of email marketing in 2020

Email is a very old technology it isn’t new. In fact, email was one of the first channels for communicating digitally. But at around 50 years old, email marketing is now more extensively used than ever before.

Email has one of the excellent things that is it’s convenience/accessibility.

It lets you approach a large-scale range of diverse audiences, and this also includes those who are not surely comfortable using the internet. This presents it as the most common mainstream form of marketing.

Additionally, email marketing creates an opportunity or a chance to build long-lasting relationships with your leads and customers.

Here are some statistics:

  • Around 80% of Americans check their email at least once per day, with almost one-fourth of them check their personal email inbox many times a day. This report is according to a data of 2018 Inbox Report.
  • Buyers who buy merchandise by email, spend around 138 percent more than those who don’t receive offers through email.
  • More than 85% of business professionals prefer email as a communication channel.

By seeing these figures now it is not a surprising fact that email is recognized as the most effective channel in B2B marketing.

If you are not applying any email marketing strategy this means you are missing out on sales opportunities and the opportunity to strengthen your relations with customers. email marketing best practices email marketing best practices email marketing best practices

Now’s the time to get your email marketing up and running – and we’re going to explain to you how.

Getting started: choosing the right email marketing solution

Benefits of emailing marketing software

The first and foremost step towards performing an effective strategy of emailing is to choose the right emailing marketing solution.

Some reasons are here why it is worth spending in a dedicated email marketing service to create and send marketing emails.

Platforms of email marketing (like Mailcot) have the basic support or infrastructure in place to assure deliverability of email – This is something which you cannot guarantee while sending an email campaign with a regular Internet Service Provider like Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook.

Another use of an email service is that you can manage your email subscribers and also segment them into email lists.

And when you talk about designing marketing emails, you find that most of the email services usually offer ready-made templates and easy-to-use email editors. In a few clicks, you can create a newsletter very easily. No HTML coding skills or graphic designs are necessary.

You will also get the insights into email campaign performance. You’ will get to see which emails were most successful and learn more about your audience thanks to open rates, click-through rates, and reactivity insights.

Comparing different solutions

There are various distinctive emailing solutions to pick from. For choosing a relevant one for your business, some questions are here to consider:

  • The number of contacts you have now and in one year what is your planning to increase this number?
  • No. of emails you are planning to send?
  • What sorts of emails do you wish to send? Is it promotional, transactional, or both?
  • Your budget?

When you are comparing email services there is another factor you m just take into consideration, that is scalability and the associated costs. When you are up to starting your business of email marketing it is anticipated that your contact list will be short or small – but as the time goes on it will grow ideally.

With Mailcot, you will only pay for the number of email sents – not the number of contacts stored.

There are different types of marketing emails

Promotional emails

This type of email is sent as and when it is needed, in line with the of your business.

Newsletters present news that is associated with your business. Such as your new breakthroughs reached, product capabilities, or for highlighting a product use case. It is a tendency to stay at the forefront of your connections’ minds and inspire them to engage with you more.

Email campaigns are highly focused on marketing and sales. A campaign could consist of 3 to10 emails sent over many days or weeks. These types of emails are sent with a particular purpose in mind – be it to promote some exclusive offers, boost the downloading of a white paper, or to sign up for a webinar.

Automated emails

Automated emails save a lot of time and do miracles for fostering customer relationships.

It is as simpler as a welcome email sent to a fresh newsletter signup or a personalized email based on the buyer’s behavior or existing knowledge or information.

The special thing about automated emails is that nobody has had to present there physically to hit the send button.

Mailcot email automation feature lets you set up automated emails that are sent out in answer to a specific ‘trigger’ event that’s pre-defined by you.

There are lots of email automation possibilities.

Different types of automated emails

Automated marketing emails:

Transactional emails: 

Mailcot caters for both transactional and promotional emails. Big thanks to our strong SMTP service.

Email marketing best practices 

Now you are well known to the different types of emails and benefits of them for your business. So, now its time to grab some very important features of email marketing.   email marketing best practices

These are the points which will help you done your email marketing with legality. Pay attention!

Collect email addresses legally

sign up form  

This is obvious that if you are sending emails you must need email addresses. Though, the way in which you collect those email addresses is very important.

The GDPR is a regulation in EU law that protects the personal data and privacy of consumers, including their email addresses.

For legally collecting email addresses, you need the ‘opt-in’ process.

This is a method by which a client or lead share you their consent by an online form for collecting and use their information/data.

Segment your mailing list

As when your list of email expands, it is destined to hold diverse buyer profiles.

Segmentation means parting down your email list and creating more petite sub-lists of contacts those who have something in common.

For instance, age, geographic location, lead score, first-time purchase, etc.

This enables you to maintain proposing content that is both relevant and personalized for each person on your mailing list.

Optimize your deliverability

Email deliverability basically means the ability of an email to land in a subscriber’s inbox. For marketers this is an important concept because it shows that emails have rightly reached their destination, rather than stopping up in the junk folder where they are improbable to be read.

This depends on technical and behavioral factors. For situation, the quality affects your deliverability.

Must ensure quality.

Further reading: Improve Email Deliverability in Inbox

Choose an email design that works for your brand & audience

The design is just as important as the content.

Catch your contacts’ attention with your design.    email marketing best practices email marketing best practices 

The email design and its feel is going to communicate a word about your company and its values. It is worth spending your time on.

A good email design also helps you make your content more clear, legible, and structured.  

Save time with email templates

Create reusable email templates. Pick an email template and then personalize it with your brand. And, when this is done you will only need to modify the text each time for sending different emails.

Personalize your emails

All of us like to feel special when it is about our favorite brand. We relish it when brands add a special personal touch and pay attention to small details.  email marketing best practices 

This also sounds true in the case of email marketing.

Personalizing emails is necessary to build relationships with your leads and customers.

So, personalize your email in this modern era, you necessitate to make the most out of it at every opportunity.

Start Your Email Marketing with Mailcot

B2B Marketing, B2C Marketing, bulk emailing service provider in india, Business, Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Email marketing service providers in india, Email Marketing Tips, Mail Marketing, Mail Marketing India, Marketing, Marketing Automation, Mass Mailing Services

Best Guide To Real Estate Email Marketing

Real estate email marketing looks like an amazing idea, particularly for agents and companies that rely on a traditional method to join with clients. But make no mistake, if you are working in today’s competitive market, you need to learn how to use email marketing for real estate. To understand the value of email marketing for dealers, you’ll need to learn what it can do to help your business. That includes discovering how real estate email blasts and campaigns can help you better engage with customers and planned clients.

Email marketing goes well beyond engagement and can help nurture leads and grow the business. It’s a simple concept, but one that requires skill and the help of a committed email blast service to perform.

Why do real estate email marketing?

The advantages of email marketing to dealers are many. The first thing you need to know is why you should be using email marketing.

1) Saves time and money

Real Estate email marketing

Once you craft a winning email campaign you can sit back and let the system do its work. The glorious beauty of email marketing is that it can be automated. So once you have your email list in place and have created your messaging, you can focus on bigger ticket items like closing sales.



2) Develop your real estate brand

real estate email marketing


Real estate email marketing should directly follow your agency’s brand. Your business now has a prominence within your community, and your email messages should expand on that. By creating appropriate content, you can build out your brand efficiently.




3) Foster commitment with real estate clients and prospects

real estate email marketing

Your central goal as a real estate professional is to engage with your clients and prospective customers. Targeted email blasts and campaigns will help you do just that, fostering your existing relationships and adding your brand to new possibilities. Real estate email marketing is one of the best ways to nurture engagement. Email marketing for real estate agents is an underutilized tool. “From client income, client recognition, product listings, promotions, lead generation, lead nurturing to branding, businesses have yet to provide the full potential of email.”


4) Generate more revenue for your real estate business

Generate Revenue

A real estate email campaign is a great way to turn leads into sales. Email offers an informal way to communicate with prospects and learn more about their behaviors and needs. That valuable information can then be used to close sales and generate revenue.





How email marketing will affect

your real estate business?


1) Nourish relationships with real estate clients

Customer Buyer Competition - Free image on Pixabay

Customers want to feel involved and connected with the businesses they work with. This is especially true in the high-stakes world of real estate. A targeted real estate email marketing campaign will help nurture those relationships. Remember that not all your customers and prospects are alike. By using techniques such as email segmentation, you can organize your real estate list into segments of contacts that share the same features. When your email content is related to a contact’s needs, they are more likely to read it all the way through. Customers want to feel appreciated and acknowledging interests through directed emails to build trust in real estate brands.

2) Grow more adaptable

4 Ways to Boost Your Adaptability Skills | Drexel Goodwin

You want your business to grow and you want a marketing strategy that will balance beside you. Real estate email marketing is adaptable to your needs at any given time and can grow naturally with your business. Having flexibility in how you engage with clients is crucial for success.




3) Gain entrance to customers 

PGC - aboutus - Who-is-using-our-product - (Parallel Geoscience ...

Choosing an advanced email marketing service likes Mailcot opens the door to convenience. Our all-in-sales and marketing toolbox will help you market your services to a wider range of clients and advised customers.



4) Meet more real estate sales


The end goal of any real estate email campaign is to meet more sales. And with the right tools and technology, you will be able to compare sales to your email marketing efforts.




This is the Time to Try Real Estate Email Marketing

Hopefully, you are now satisfied that real estate email marketing is a good choice for your business. From newsletters to targeted content, email allows an easy and affordable way to grow your business and engage with clients. It also provides unlimited opportunities for creativity and gives your real estate agency a future to modify your brand from the game. It has the unusual quality of providing corner, targeted communications to a broad group of people. Real estate email thrills and campaigns are comparatively simple to build. Working with a trusted partner like Mailcot will give you all the tools required to succeed. Open your free Mailcot account in just a couple of clicks to get started!

B2B Marketing, Business, Digital marketing and online marketing, E-commerce Email Marketing, Email Campaign, Email Hosting, Mass Mailing Services, Successful Marketing Campaign

Communication Crisis- Best Practices to Email Customers

As COVID-19 sends the world into shutdown, businesses are facing unprecedented challenges. As a business owner, it’s vital that you have an effective crisis communication plan to keep your customers up-to-date and reassured. Digital communication, especially via email, is essential for maintaining customer relationships and business continuity. But it’s also important that you use digital channels correctly and avoid any faux pas that would put your reputation at risk.

Whether to Send a Communication Crisis Email or Not?

communication crisis best practices to email customers

Your customers are apparently undergoing information overload right now. There’s a lot of noise. Do you actually want to continue to it? With the tremendous volume of COVID-19 emails being sent in current weeks, people have been fast to analyze the sending of inappropriate and non-targeted emails. Times are difficult enough right now. The latest thing you need is to expose your brand’s character.

Whether you send out a crisis communication all depends on your open-ended connection with customers and how your assistance to them has been affected by the crisis. Ask yourself: What important information do my customers need to know about doing business with me at this time? Only reach out if your message is truly important, instructive, and makes value. Don’t send an email for the benefit of it or just because everyone else is doing it.

Steps to Plan Communication Crisis- Best Practices to Email Customers:-

So you’ve decided to go forward with sending a crisis communication to your customers. There are a few things to get your caption throughout first.

You’ll need to define:

  1. The message to deliver.
  2. Who wants to learn it (everybody or just some contact groups?)
  3. How to communicate it (email is great for crisis communication)
  4. The time-sensitivity of the information (how fast does this message need to get out?)
  5. The different private stakeholders who need to be notified/involved (so that everyone’s on the same page about what’s being communicated externally)
  6. From whom the message should be signed off (the company CEO, account manager, the customer care leader, etc.)

It’s pleasant that you’ll need to create various messages and tailor them to various customer groups. Take every moment to segment your contact list, be it based on geography, demographics, or buying behavior. That’ll help guarantee the relevancy of your message.

Why Email is the Most Useful for Communication Crisis?

communication crisis- best practices to email customers

Email is vast for producing targeted, timely communications to a general number of people. It signifies a direct line of communication with your customers and has a remote better chance of being read than a post on social media. It can also work out so cheap, depending on which email service provider you’re using. But, is there a standout understanding why so many brands have chosen to email during the COVID-19 crisis?

An email has the appropriate rule for a crisis status. This is something that social media channels need as they lead to be more comfortable and light-hearted. Another benefit of email is that it can be clearly referenced later.

With that in mind, let’s look at how you should approach crisis communication emails.

6 Types of Information to add in a Crisis Email

communication crises- best practices to email customers

1. How service levels are impacted and what customers should assume

Stick to real facts and information. If you’re accurate and clear about the situation now, it’ll help you achieve expectations in the long run. Tell customers what they need to know: Opening/closing dates, product availability, back in stock dates, shipping delays, etc.

2. Details of any Contingency View

What solutions are you offering to customers in reply to the impacted service levels? How have you changed your business model to the current situation? Maybe you’ve changed your sit-down restaurant into a drive-through takeout, your physical store into e-commerce, or your farm business is now doing door-to-door deliveries of fresh vegetables. Whatever your new way of doing things, share all the certain details of how customers can continue to do business with you.

3. Concrete Answers to most Important Concerns and Questions

What are the usual common queries you’ve been getting so far? Maybe they’ve been about payments, cancellation policies, or shipping delays. Go through the questions you’ve received to pinpoint your customers’ central concerns. Address these right in your email copy and give any answers you can.  Always be proactive. Reach out to customers with information first so they don’t have to come seeking it. This also eases the stress on your customer service email/phone line.

4. How to provide value at this time

If your product or service can genuinely treat people, let them know about it – but be concerned about coming across as overly promotional.

5. If appropriate: The protective steps you take

Only talk about sanitization exercises when these actions have an immediate impression on the customer. Telling people about your inclusive hand-washing might make sense if you’re a food delivery business.

6. Offering a Product/\Service for Free to Help

If you’re freely offering up certain services, adding this information to your crisis email communication can assist increased the word to those who can help.

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