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Email Marketing

5 Email Content Tips To Boost Customer Engagement

Despite seeming somewhat old-fashioned, email is still hanging in there as an affordable, powerful marketing tool. Of course, appreciating that email should be incorporated into your marketing plan is just the beginning. First, you need to build up your subscriber list, and then perhaps even more daunting—you have to figure out what email content you should include and how you should present it.

Here are five email content tips to help get you on your way to sending out the emails your customers want to see:

1. Figure Out What Email Content Your Customers Are Looking For

There are roughly 204 million emails messages sent every minute. Every minute! Whoa—that’s a lot of competition. How do you get your emails noticed and stand out in that glut clogging your customers’ inboxes?

You can start by asking what your readers would like to see. You need to provide something of value to your subscribers — whether that’s informational content or a promotional offer. Emails are not where you do any hard-selling. It’s all about your customers. You want to answer their questions and give solutions to their problems.  Here are some ideas on how to give them what they want:

  • Talk to your frontline employees who have the most contact with your customers
  • Look to social
  • Try a survey or poll

2. Use latest Ideas To Generate Interesting Content For Your Emails

If you’re at a loss of what to write in your email, try one of these sure-fire email content ideas to get you started

Seasonal Email Content

Depending on where you live, there are the obvious holidays, like Christmas, Hanukah, Mother’s Day, Halloween, Chinese New Year, Earth Day and the like—but there are other events that happen throughout the year that you can also take advantage of. Consider things, such as back-to-school or spring cleaning as fodder for your emails.


An email newsletter gives you a great chance to check in with your customers on a regular basis. You don’t want your newsletter content to be overly self-promotional. A good rule of thumb is to balance your email content, so it’s about 90% educational and 10% promotional.

New Marketing Offer

Emails are an excellent way to keep your subscribers in the loop and to make them feel special by giving them exclusive offers. You can use your emails to announce a sale, an eBook, a webinar, a free trial, or a good old-fashioned coupon.

New Inventory Email

This isn’t the type of email you want to send out any time you get a new product in your store. You want to use it selectively for the products that are sure to excite your customers. You won’t need much text, but a stellar picture will go a long way. So take some care in how you photograph your products.

Lead Nurturing Emails

These emails are an on-going series, rather than a one and done deal. They are designed to push a prospective customer further down the sales funnel, which will hopefully lead to an eventual sale.

Welcome Emails

Why not start out your customer rapport on the right foot. If someone has taken the time to sign up on your email list—welcome them. Thank them for subscribing and let them know some of the benefits they can expect. You may also want to offer a discount, to entice your new subscriber to make a purchase.

3. Make Your Content Visually Interesting

An email full of text will come across as a little bland and not that inviting. But adding a few images or even a video will help the content of your email pop. Videos add interest and are an easy way to get your point across clearly and quickly. The human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than it does text. With videos, you can convey complicated information in much less time than through words. You want to keep your videos short—somewhere between one to two minutes seems to be the sweet spot.

4. Use some Formatting Tips

Words and pictures are essential to your marketing emails, but just as importantly, you need to get your message across quickly and clearly. These formatting tips will get you on your way:

Make Emails Mobile-Friendly

If you only take away one thing about how to format your emails, it’s to keep them mobile-friendly. In recent years, there’s been an explosion of smartphone use.

Keep Emails Short and Easy to Read

As with all of your marketing content, it’s important to tailor your content to the particular medium you’re using. For instance, it may make sense to write a 2,000-word blog post, but few people are going to bother to read that long of an email. Your emails should be shorter, coming in around 750 words max.

Use Different Fonts

You can further make your important facts stand out by using different font colors and sizes and bolding important words. But don’t go overboard, or else your email will just look cluttered.

Use Headlines

As with other articles, you want to make good use of headlines. Your reader should be able to get the gist of your email just by reading the headlines. Today, people have notoriously short attention spans—even less than a goldfish — so don’t make them have to work too hard to understand your message.

5. Pay Attention To The Little Details

Sometimes it’s all in the details. You may have awesome content all ready to send out to your subscriber list, but take a few moments to check everything over.

It’s fine to use casual and conversational language in your emails, but you don’t want to look unprofessional. So, don’t ignore those pesky grammar rules. Spelling and proper sentence structure still count.

Email Marketing

Google’s Inbox app is shutting down in March 2019

Google is bowing to the inevitable and shutting down the Inbox email app. Though users will have until March to switch over to Gmail. It’s a little sad for fans of the app, but it’s also not a very big surprise.

Google launched Inbox as an innovative app

Almost exactly four years ago, Google launched Inbox by Gmail as an innovative new email app that lived alongside Gmail. It brought a ton of new ideas to how email could work. Including old standbys like snoozing and newer ideas like bundling. Over those four years, Inbox app gained a small number of adherents who suffered through too-rare updates so they could have a better email experience.

features in Inbox were well-loved

A lot of the features in the Inbox by Gmail well-loved. Mainly because they were so obviously lacking in Gmail without dealing with hacky third-party solutions. Inbox provided a way to manage the onslaught of email with gestures that made it easy to process messages on the go. It also generally seen as a potential incubator for new email features that could come to Gmail. Though, in practice, Inbox didn’t see enough updates to justify its reputation as a testing ground.

Inbox by Gmail Did a nice Job

Inbox app did such a nice job of integrating tasks with emails. Being able to create reminders that appeared in line with emails and could be managed with exactly the same set of snoozing and archiving tools was super useful.

In April of this year, Google released a complete redesign of Gmail that incorporated nearly all of the key features of Inbox: snoozing, connected tasks lists, and more. If users didn’t see the writing on the wall with that release, the long delay of Inbox’s iPhone X compatibility was another sign.

One app for Email: Gmail

Google says that there are still a few features due to make the migration from the Inbox app. Specifically, the “bundles” that group similar emails together into a single block, like those related to a single trip. That’s coming to Gmail, but there’s no word yet on the timeline for it.

Overall, it’s probably good that Google is focusing on one app for email: Gmail. No employees will be laid off from the Inbox team, which was already well-integrated into the Gmail team. Still, the unsurprising ending is a little bittersweet. Inbox app implemented great ideas about how to make email less of a database-like chore by giving the app a more playful and interesting UI. An email will always be a chore.

Email Marketing, Marketing

Why Email Marketing is Important in 2018?

Did you know that email marketing provides an average ROI of $44 for every $1 spent?

Why is email marketing so effective? Because it allows businesses to quickly and efficiently send personalized marketing materials to specific audiences. 83% of B2B marketers are leveraging email marketing campaigns to generate new business opportunities

Marketing through email can be a fast, flexible and cost-effective way of reaching new customers and retaining existing customers.

Filtering Your Email Marketing in 2018

A Complete Analysis of Email Marketing

Now we discuss how email marketing will be essential for your company in 2018. Let’s run through a few things you can do to improve your email campaigns this year.

Targeted Marketing Opportunities

Unlike many other marketing opportunities, when properly implemented, email marketing can provide your business with various ways to target specific customers. To do this, make sure that your email marketing software allows for lead scoring. Once a user fulfilled the criteria you have defined, then follow up them with targeted messaging to drive the funnel.

For example, let’s say that you send out an email that contains information on a sale. You have also set up lead scoring to know who has bought something as a result of this email and someone who has not. Your email marketing software follows up automatically with an email (possibly a discount code) to entice them for purchase.

For those that did purchase, they could be placed into an email campaign that could provide tips and tricks on how to use the product they just purchased. Perhaps, if the product they purchased has a steep learning curve, you could offer a series of emails that are essentially an onboarding process.

More Personal and Targeted than Social Media

While there are many benefits of using social media for your business, there are many of your customers who might not use social media. However, these people more than likely have an email address.

There are numerous ways to capture a customer’s email address. A few ways are having a form on your website, asking them during the account creation or checkout process, or even asking them during a phone call. Pair their email address up with a first and last name and you have the foundation set for sending personalized emails, meaning you could dynamically insert their information within emails or subject lines.

Personalize your Email Marketing List

Once you have the basic contact information from a customer, you can implement progressive profiling to gather more information.  No matter what you ask, keep it short in length and questions. The user submits the form, they get the ebook they wanted, you get the info you needed.

Just think of the ways you can use this additional info to provide targeted and personalized messaging to your customer database. Once you have gained additional information, you could put certain users into new nurturing campaigns to continue the email marketing relationship.

Data-Driven & Measurable

Knowing what works and what doesn’t is key to the success and improvement of a marketing campaign. With email marketing, you get insights into your initiatives.

Insight into a metric like open rates which is what percent of users who actually opened the email you sent. One key factor in improving open rates is having an intriguing subject line. Creating eye-catching subject line results in higher open rates.

Another metric your business can track is (CTR), which is essentially what percent people clicked on a link within the email. If you are really doing email marketing right, you should split test different calls to actions (CTA) within your email copy (and even subject lines). Knowing if one particular phrasing works better than others in generating click-through, can provide exponential results to your campaign.

Having access to these metrics help your business keep tabs on what is or not working in your email marketing initiatives.

Permission to Contact Prospects & Clients

Let’s face it, it is much easier to see results by contacting those who want to hear from you. This is done very easily in email marketing by confirming their email address after submission business. This is called a “double opt-in”, meaning that not only did the user submit their email address, but they are confirming they did so by logging into their email and clicking on a verification link you send them.

Complete Authority of Email Marketing Campaign

By clicking this verification email, they are granting you permission to contact them via email.

Now that you have their permission, you must be conscious of how often you email them do n’t flood their inbox with your messages. Users will start to ignore your emails, or worse unsubscribe completely from your email list.

With permission to email, your business can do a number of things with email marketing. You can create nurturing campaigns, send them monthly newsletters, or use it for progressive profiling.

Stay Top of Mind

Email marketing allows your business to email the consumer whenever you want. While not every email needs to be a sales pitch, your contact with the customer should provide something of value to them. Whether this is a link to your latest blog post, an email asking them questions relating to your industry, or even an update on new products coming out in the near future; using email to stay connected to your customers keeps your brand in the forefront of their minds.

With the personalization of email, you can tailor your message to be warm and friendly. The personal touch will help them connect with your company on a personal level and not think you are just interested in having them buy something. This ultimately builds relationships, loyalty, and trust among your subscribers.

Generate Sales

Email marketing can be a channel to help you increase sales when implemented properly. I am not talking about blasting your list with sales pitch after sales pitch. That won’t work out too well. Your business needs to use email marketing the right way.

Through lead scoring, and well-defined email campaigns, a business can know when a customer is primed for a purchase. Knowing where your customer is in the funnel through lead scoring will give you insights on when to be more aggressive with sales based messaging.

Generate Sales Through Email MarketingBeing able to lead the customer further down the funnel on their own terms is a powerful tool. By allowing them to exhibit certain actions before hitting them up for a sale will not only make your customer happy but your bottom line as well.

Cost Effective & Affordable

The costs of email marketing can be much lower than many other forms of marketing. There are no advertising fees, printing or media space costs. Sure there will be some initial implementation costs, but once the foundation is set, the ongoing maintenance cost is minimal compared to the return.

Real-Time Marketing

Through email marketing, you can connect with customers in real-time. Using automated triggers, such as website activity, recent purchase or shopping cart abandonment, you can reach the right audience, at the right time, in the right place and with the right offer.

Email Marketing, Marketing Automation

Powerful Method to Perform Lifecycle Email Marketing

A powerful method to Perform Lifecycle Email Marketing

Rather than discrete email campaigns sent from time to time. Email marketers have begun to incline toward a progression of connected email campaigns covering the full life-cycle of a business.

What is life-cycle email marketing?

Lifecycle email marketing is a client arranged. And also, coordinated email marketing strategy based on the idea of conveying consequently. In which the right message to the right person at the right time on a regular basis throughout the entire business cycle.

How does lifecycle marketing look?

Event-triggered messaging from the moment people are searching for to the moment they have become evangelists and advance your services or products to others. We have separated the client life-cycle in eight stages:

  • Awareness of your image, item or service after having searched for data
  • Deeper knowledge by accepting informative and educational data from you
  • Thought of your item or service when you exhibit your aptitude
  • Determination of your item or service having attempted several options apart from yours
  • The first buy comes just in the middle of a cycle!
  • Fulfillment with the experience and your client care administration
  • Maintenance and loyalty by making repeated buys
  • Informal spreading to others and promoting your brand

Why perform lifecycle email promoting?

So, More advertisers are getting to be mindful of the effectiveness of lifecycle email marketing messages.

Just 2.6% of emails sent as lifecycle email messages. Few marketers perform lifecycle showcasing because of concerns about the extra work needed to execute this strategy. As indicated by the review in Marketing Profs, 46% say they have already implemented some sort of behaviorally activated messages in their email marketing and 58% arrangement to do as such in the closest future.

However, we have certain types of mailing i.e. Promotional, Transactional Email, SMTP Server etc. To avoid confusion about where to start, we’ve outlined some thoughts.

Pick lifecycle email marketing while selling online

Also, Lifecycle email marketing is crucial if you are an online retailer. In a business, request affirmations, shipping details, and promo crusades are sent in a steady progression. it’s easy to get confused and commit errors such as sending a discount offer for the item the client has recently purchased.

Transactional emails for lifecycle marketing technique

Marketing Profs reveal that 57% of brands not at present running lifecycle email projects say they would do so if a simple to-utilize device was available. Also, There are various sources for Transactional messages that we can perform: Thank you message, request survey, individual data redesign, invitation to sign up for bulletins, online networking warning, etc. And also, All this can be included in your lifecycle email marketing strategy.

Election Campaign Management, Marketing Automation, Successful Marketing Campaign

Six Marketing Strategies Behind Narendra Modi Election Victory in 2014

Marketing strategies behind Narendra Modi Election Victory in 2014

Narendra Modi campaign team has used some very innovative and timely decisions that have helped give high visibility and add potent muscle to the election campaign. Here are some of the marketing strategies behind Narendra Modi victory in 2014 that have worked.

6 Marketing strategies behind Narendra Modi Election Victory in 2014


1 – Understanding Consumer Insights

We always say that marketing Strategies has to be based on consumer insights. Recently, you must have seen advertisements of Fogg deodorants where they differentiate themselves from competition saying that we are ‘All deodorant. No gas” vis-a-vis its competitors. This something they learned through consumer research. Similarly, the campaign managers of the BJP conducted consumer research. They found that the brand value of Narendra Modi is much higher than that of the Bhartiya Janta Party. Therefore, they took the decision to project Narendra Modi instead of projecting BJP or the NDA in all their campaigns.

2 – Getting the Best Minds on Board

Second, they hired the best-known names in Indian advertising. Sam Balsara, Prasoon Joshi, Piyush Pandey. These people have a wealth of experience behind them. They have run successful campaigns with hundreds of brands in their lives. And They took sentimentality out of the picture and looked at this as a business. They decided that their client was the Bhartiya Janta Party. If BJP was any other brand, how would they sell? Having these experienced senior people like the trio certainly helped.

3 – Catchy Slogan

There are slogans in Marketing Strategies. Nike has ‘Just do it’. Similarly, Bhartiya Janta Party decided to have a catchy slogan. ‘Ab ki Bar, Modi Sarkar’. It was extremely catchy. It was also easy on the tongue. Everybody could say it. Even the non-Hindi speakers could understand what it stood for and they could easily articulate it. So, it resonated with everybody.

4 – Integrated communications campaign

This involves the use of multiple methods of media but the message you send out should be a unified one. This was done brilliants by the Bhartiya Janta Party and their campaign managers. The message was Brand Modi and what he stood for. They ran TV ads, print ads, radio ads, they used YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.  So they targeted different audiences and segments, used TV to reach the average man. And they used the Internet to reach out to the youngsters who are online most of the time. They reached rural people through road shows and rallies. Narendra Modi himself addressed hundreds of rallied throughout the country and he also has a great ability to communicate. As similar to Bill Clinton He had an innate tendency to connect with the audience. I see the same thing with Narendra Modi victory in 2014.

5 – Word of Mouth

There was a clear perception that Modi was a doer. He could get things done. So there was a widespread perception that there was a policy paralysis with the previous government. Modi and his team took advantage and leveraged his image as a doer. Even things like word of mouth and viral hits like Kolaveri Di did not use any marketing. So that it just spread among people. There are a lot of migrant laborers from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh worked in Gujarat and when they went back home, they spread positive word of mouth about Narendra Modi and his team.

6 – Database Marketing Strategies

Particularly in important states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. So that what the campaign managers did was collect huge database and they worked on reaching out directly to the people. It also greatly helped that the opposition ran a very lackluster campaign run by the opposition party. All these factors mentioned above resulted in a landslide victory. While advertising and marketing alone did not help, but in my view, they were major contributors.

Marketing, Marketing Automation

3 Steps to Building a Customer-First Marketing Strategy

According to a new report, 80% of executives strongly agree that customer experience is important to an organization’s success. Yet just 34% believe they equipped to deliver superior customer experiences. Those that don’t learn how to build and provide those experiences (Marketing Functions), however, will only be left behind. In fact, 75% of today’s S&P 500 companies will be replaced by 2027.

To help enterprises navigate this shift, We combined original research and firsthand accounts from top marketing executives to uncover why customer experience is the new marketing? And how leading organizations like IBM, Microsoft, and Nasdaq are rewiring their strategies to be more customer-centric. Making the transition from brand-first to customer-first isn’t easy – but it is necessary if enterprises want to survive in an ever-changing marketplace. Here are three steps CMOs must take to successfully lead their organizations through this change.

Understand the Shift Power

With the rapid evolution of social media, customers are more connected and in control than ever before. People have the power to gather information and share their experiences across multiple touchpoints at any time. And they’ll do this with or without you.

“What customers are saying on social is what they’re saying to the world,” said Doug Palmer, principal at Deloitte Consulting LLP. “It’s a conversation that’s taking place about you – whether it be your brand or your product – and you’re not leading the conversation.”

We’re in a new world of business, and customers are at the wheel. Understanding and acknowledging this shift in power is the first step to building a customer-centric organization.

Adopt a Customer-Centric Mindset

To keep up with this shift, marketing leaders need to scrap their traditional hierarchies, funnels, and models. They need to start looking at the world from the perspective of a customer – not a brand. Best practices a company must adopt for customer-centricity are:

  • Being passionate and believing that customers come first
  • Using customer data to gather valuable insights
  • Focusing on customer wants and aligning products to these requirements
  • Aiming at building relationships which maximize customer’s service experience
  • Planning and implementing a well-well-thought-out customer strategy which focuses on retaining loyal customers
    Increasing brand advocacy
  • Increasing brand advocacy

Putting the customer’s needs first in a digital world

Apart from taking innovative technologies in consideration, a customer-centric approach lies at the heart of a successful business. Creating digital content and campaigns which put the customer first has become imperative. Instead of promoting a brand, the content should focus on enhancing the customer’s life. The good news is that technology empowers marketers to respond to customers effectively. So to stay in the game marketers must bring in data and analytics to ascertain customer pain points.

Using analytics, an insurance company discovered that its customers distressed over the long claim process. To make their lives easy, the company introduced a mobile app which allowed customers to file claims within minutes. Hence, we see how digital innovation acts as a catalyst to enhance customer experience. One of the best ways to tackle customer experience is to follow it from the customer’s point of view. So this unlocks new business opportunities and facilitates the creation of effective business models.

Why should everyone be involved in marketing?

It will be difficult to disseminate the brand message if everybody in the organization is not in sync with the brand story. It is a good idea to encourage employees to create a social media presence where they share positive sentiments about the brand.

Far too often businesses leave the job of marketing to the marketing department. However, by corralling marketing functions into one department, businesses unintentionally diffuse the impact which other departments have on the customer journey. But the question is-are all departments prepared to carry out marketing functions? One smart step is to impart marketing training for all involved in the business. This can include the finance team, the admin team, and the delivery people. The human resource department, which is also the face of the organization, can organize company-wide training which instills a culture of marketing in every function. Additionally, the CRM features may not be obvious to all the employees. It’s necessary that the staff trained in CRM systems. Although technology is an enabler, it is the employees who can bring about a transformation.

Moreover, inclusive marketing is the need of the hour. It involves marketing to specific demographics without relying on stereotypes. It also refers to processes and approach which work best for the larger audience and yield tangible results. These processes should be deployed by teams which are not broken down into silos. Instead, different teams should step into each other’s shoes and steer the business together towards success.

See the Video to know more about online marketing:-

Email Marketing

6 Email Marketing Tips To Stand Out In The Inbox

Email marketing is an important part of any cross-channel strategy. Marketers are lucky enough to have access to a wealth of data that allows brands to understand their consumers better than ever before. Segmentation can help marketers refine their messaging to speak to very specific target audiences, and how marketers choose to segment their audiences depends on their brand’s overall mission or specific campaign goals.

It’s important to craft your message in a way that’s accessible, engaging, and valuable. Data gives the insight to build your email marketing campaigns, and identify the right personas for your messaging. The next step is taking those insights and using them to connect in a way that’s empathetic, and meaningful. It’s injecting the “human” into your data and bringing your brand to life.

Here are some tips to make your email inbox delivery and improve readability:

1. Set the tone of Email Marketing

The tone of your emails should be written in a way that speaks to your target audience, while also being reflective of your overall brand voice and mission. Your brand “voice” should remain consistent across all channels, but the way you speak to your audience through email may be slightly different than how you connect through your blog, or on social media.

“It was important to us to have a casual tone that really speaks to Millennials,” CMO Nick Comanici said.

2. Stand-out subject line

Think about how many emails come into your inbox every day. Which ones made you the most excited to open first?

Your email subject line (Email Marketing) is your brand’s first impression on consumers – and an important way to stand out from the crowd. According to Mailcot, average subject line lengths range anywhere from 50 to 100 characters, with anywhere from 50-70 characters as the “sweet spot” for readability.

When writing a subject line, consider your tone, your offering, and your audience. Simply put: How can you quickly convey the value of your email in a way that resonates with your readers?

3. Dominate design

It’s not just about what you say – it’s how you say it. And when it comes to email, format, and design can really impact how a user engages with your content.

Research shows that more than two-thirds of consumers access email through their smartphones (Email Marketing). When formatting your email template, consider a responsive design that will translate across desktop, tablet, or mobile devices. This ensures all content in your email will render in a way that’s most accessible to readers, wherever they are.

4. Include social media buttons

Email Marketing isn’t your only method of connecting with potential customers — so why not give your audience other options? Highlight your other channels by including social media buttons, inviting readers to share your content, or visiting your profile.

5. Reward your customer

Whether it’s a newsletter, an offer email, or a receipt, there are several ways you can leverage additional content to create lasting community and cross-channel engagement:

  • Offer customer discounts or coupons towards their next purchase
  • Invite customers to participate in a referral or loyalty program
  • Provide interesting content or items that match customer preferences
  • Ask customers to subscribe to your newsletter or join your social community
  • Also, Provide social media sharing buttons and website links

6. Keep your lists clean

What’s the point of an amazing email if no one reads it? Make sure your brand stays out of the dreaded spam folder by regularly cleaning your lists to ensure duplicates, outdated email addresses, and other inconsistencies aren’t slowing you down.

Because after all, with all the effort your team is putting in to create a campaign, the last thing it should be considered is “junk”.


How Facebook and Instagram are Perfect for Movie Marketing?

Movie marketing, over the years, has undergone a massive shift with the advent of the internet and digital media driving accessibility for the masses. Social media has become one of the key mediums for viewers to discover content. and the film industry is increasingly leveraging it to engage their audience through original, creative content. Given the changing consumption patterns of filmgoers and rapid internet and smartphone penetration, digital media is pivoting large box office results for Hindi movies.

Driving buzz and appeal for Film Campaign

As per the findings of the report, Facebook is one of the top 3 mediums in driving buzz & appeal for a film campaign, achieving it through organic methods like link shares and conversations, apart from initiatives like Facebook Live. Interestingly, Facebook and Instagram, combined, proved to have delivered the highest impact with 21% contribution to a Hindi film’s first-day box office sales.

Engaging the Audience through Facebook

Indian movie marketers are already taking advantage of engaging desired audiences through Facebook, to drive uptake at the box office. For them, Facebook can help in building a community and interest, generate real-time conversation and feedback, and create a fan base even before the movie is released, which in-turn drives word of mouth and buzz. The platform offers not just large, but relevant reach and most importantly high levels of audience engagement ( film Campaign ). It also offers interactivity through a movie’s journey, thereby delivering an ROI incomparable to any other media.

Film Marketing using Facebook and Instagram

This is Unique

“This is a unique, one-of-its-kind study, developed exclusively for the Indian market ( Film Campaign ). It correlates the actual box office collections to a movie’s marketing mix. The research went beyond just media metrics such as impressions, readership etc. as a barometer for a film’s marketing success, and also focused on awareness or buzz and intent to watch or appeal as key parameters. The study had a comprehensive scale with over 25,000 moviegoers surveyed across several cities, demographics, and strata in a 6-month effort, evaluating the performance of nine media basis the impact created in driving movie ticket sales. As per the findings of the report, Facebook is one of the top 2 media in driving a movie’s buzz & appeal, achieving it through organic methods like link shares and conversations, apart from initiatives like Facebook Live.

Interestingly, Facebook and Instagram, combined, proved to have delivered the highest impact with 21% contribution to a Hindi film’s first-day box office results.” a Facebook spokesperson said.

Business, Email Marketing, Marketing Automation

How marketing has changed in last 10 years

The marketing world has changed dramatically over the last ten years. I have had to personally go through a digital transformation to truly understand how to best market business (Online Marketing ) and because of this. We have analyzed every step of a customer acquisition journey.

I have analyzed some of the major changes. Now we will discuss these changes made in marketing in brief:

Online Marketing has become Key

Over the last ten years, we’ve adapted to using the online world to listen, research, and find products/services we want to buy. For any business in any industry, it’s no longer a nice to have it’s a necessity. Being present online is only step one of letting customers know what we do. We must also build brand awareness and engage with our community to build trust.

You Need to be brand Consistent

Customers used to look at maybe one or two websites when wanting to make a purchase. They wouldn’t go to 10-20 different websites and look at reviews, social activity and how a business was dealing with customer service. For a business to succeed in the marketing world now, they need to be brand consistent.

It takes on average ten touch-points for a customer to trust, and purchase from a business. It never used to be this difficult, or complex.

The Need To Be Digital has Businesses Worried

I found some interesting statistics from a study ran by Adobe. They found that less than half of the professionals considered themselves to be highly proficient in digital marketing. The study also showed that only 9% agreed that their digital marketing is “working”.

Businesses are worried about embracing digital and are finding it hard to be truly successful through their digital marketing. Digital marketing was barely an after-thought ten years ago but now, it is the primary focus and one which does have businesses worried.

The Cost Of Marketing Has Increased Dramatically

Over the last ten years, there have been some major advancements in technology. And because of this, a larger budget is being put in place by businesses (Online marketing) so that they can stay ahead of their competitors.

This also includes hiring more knowledgeable people to take control of a digital aspect of the business as well as having freelancer help with content creation, and paid advertisement. The ways in which we can engage with consumers has increased. And there are endless opportunities but it does cost money to explore these and put a strategy in place.

Social media is game Changer

Businesses (Online Marketing) have been quick to realize, especially over the last five years, how critically important Social Media is to generating revenue and brand awareness.

As more potential customers are turning to Social Media as a way to engage online, businesses (Online Marketing) have had to follow suit. Something I always say as a way to be successful is to take the conversation to your customer. Go to where they want to hang out and that is Social Media.

Credibility is More Important Now, Than Ever Before

Credibility is what can make or break a business. You need to be memorable, and authentic.

This doesn’t mean that you say something headline-grabbing and then because you have a lot of short-term interest that you suddenly have credibility. It doesn’t work like that. Building long-term relationships with your audience and a brand that is credible and respectable will win in the long run.

A Business-First VS. An Audience-First Strategy

Having an audience-first strategy means that you are creating content that your audience wants from you, and not what you want to create as a business.

The above is a given, but there has been a slight change. There needs to be the delivery of the correct message, to your target audience, at the right time and using the right social network to achieve success. So, to understand how this can be done, do your research and find out where your target audience “hangs out” online.

This has been a huge shift over the last ten years. Businesses (Online Marketing) would be successful through being in essence; selfish. Creating “me, me, me” content worked. It doesn’t anymore.

A short video is Here which shows how marketing is evolved…

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