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Top Advantages of Email Marketing in 2020

Advantages of E-mail Marketing in 2020

There is no denying that email marketing is an advantage of software leads for B2B marketing research. But at this point, an email is a form of communication that seems easier to discount with more communication channels and social media sites than ever before to reach email users and customers. Fact is, this idea could not be further from the truth.

Email Marketing

Despite the popularity of other types of communication, email marketing is still a successful business. But why is email so important? Why is this a marketing strategy you need to take advantage of? Below, I’ve compiled some of the biggest reasons for the success of your business in 2020, and why it’s not happening soon.

Here are some 2020 email marketing advantages you need to know:

01# Email Marketing is very meaningful 

We can customize the message and provide content from our various customers and we can also promote for their profiles so that we can send emails continuously.

02# Email Marketing is Measurable

This type of direct, mail or other type of marketing cannot be expected to happen, promotional email marketing allows you to set a solid return on investment for all your efforts. Through email marketing, you can track who has opened your message. When they connect to your message, which mail client do they use, and which link do they click.

03# Email Marketing is easy

Advantage of email marketing is Sending a marketing message via email is as easy as writing an email.

04# Email Marketing is automatic

E-mail marketing consists of a tool called an “autoresponder“. For example, if you want to send a particular message to your recipients, you just create and schedule the message.

05# Email marketing optimization

Instead of guessing what message is going to resonate with most people. Therefore, you can segment your recipients and use replacement tags to communicate directly with your readers. This allows you to connect with them in a more personal way and drive higher engagement.

06# Email Marketing is fast and efficient

This is a quick and efficient method. Provides promotions via e-mail with a clear call that can have a tremendous impact on earnings. Channels cannot offer you any possibility for a short period of time so as to meet the customer directly.

How to segment your email list

Email is what your recipients are expecting, according to Adobe’s Email Marketing study, 63% of customers still prefer to receive marketing promotions and offers via email. This means that customers are not only expecting your messages, they want them! Make sure you are giving visitors to your site an option to subscribe to your messages, and then provide an email preference center so that you know which emails they are going to open.

Email from mobile

Email Marketing

    • Our customers have estimated that approximately 53% of people check email on their phones, meaning customers check email and purchase online whenever convenient.
    • As a market, whenever people check their inbox. You have the opportunity to create messages and target people for a mobile experience.
    • Email marketing is no longer the same. It’s just promotional material that your recipients are expecting in their inbox and it’s definitely not “spam“. If you haven’t already, it’s time to build a modern, effective email marketing program.

For more related information, go and check out and 

Email Campaign, Email Hosting, Email Marketing, Email marketing service providers in india, Email Marketing Software, Email Marketing Tips, Latest Technology, Latest Trends, Marketing

Top Email Marketing Implementation Tips

Email marketing implementation also requires significant planning and consideration. Because by spending enough time for your email marketing strategy, you can meet your customer goals more effectively and provide customers with the best marketing possible.

Here are some email marketing implementation tips that can be very helpful in email marketing:

  1. Planning
  2. Email Design
    • Styling
    • Textual Content
    • Proof Reading
    • Customization
    • Personalisation
    • Scheduling and Timing

01# Planning

Email Marketing

Email marketing planning only involves deciding what to do, how to do it and by whom. Before going on board you need to get the answer: –

    • What is the purpose of sending mail?
    • Who do you need to send it to?
    • What do you want to achieve with this?
    • What strategies will you use to make your action effective?
    • These are just a few examples of how to get started because it is very important to have a clear idea of what we are doing and why.

02# Email Design

Email MarketingAfter making a proper plan and now you know what your purpose is, you need to design mail. Designing for email (email marketing) is important because you are making an impression on the audience and you certainly do not want it vague or any less professional than you should be.

Following are the components of designing email:

  • Styling- You should keep mail user friendly but no less professional. No one is going directly into action after reading your mail, but it has been proven that how it is written is a driving factor in email marketing.

Consider the points before finalizing the template:

    • Template color combination
    • Font styles, drawings, and tables are used.
    • Avoid the use of words such as sale, offer, discount.
    • Use more text and less image.
  • Textual Content- Next important is email content (email marketing). Make it clear enough to make it simple, easy to understand and self-explanatory. Your content should push the user to act on the mail in the recipient. Do not overload the recipient with information. Be specific and do not leave any question in the mind of the reader.

Note the points given below:

    •  Exciting title to make readers curious to open mailing
    • Avoid lessons like discounts, offers, prizes, deadlines etc.
    • Add items to your product features such as bullet points.
    • Links to your digital assets to reach customers
    • A link to unsubscribe your email. Yes you must
  • Proof Reading- It is important that your content should be flawless because you cannot make any silly mistake while presenting yourself. That is why the content should be proofed.
  • Customization- Customization includes a creative and civilized approach to layout, the main body of mail, subject lines, pictures, links, and everything else that is part of email in email marketing. Go for formatting and outline that looks attractive and consistent.
  • Personalisation- The best part of email marketing which is personalization of email. The reader can be specifically addressed by entering their name in specific columns of the email database. It goes a long way to get to know your audience.
  • Scheduling and timing- Mail timing plays an important role in email marketing and you must ensure that all emails, whether direct or transactional, are properly scheduled. If you schedule your emails during work hours it will give you better results as most of us are active but it also depends on the nature of the mail. So keep a check on the range of mail.

For more related information about Email Marketing Implementation Tips, Go and check out- Mailcot and telcob.

Latest Technology, Latest Trends, Mail Marketing, Mail Marketing India, Marketing, Marketing Automation

6 Marketing Automation Errors

Marketing Automation Errors Various marketers are going to be very new to this. They are going to try to convince the stakeholders in the budget for advertising automation. They need to buy from advertising and marketing, sales and IT. Most marketers will fail to implement these good practices. Some entrepreneurs will fail. For the reason that I am sharing 6 marketing automation mistakes, if you have to give a shot to properly implement marketing automation in your enterprise then you have to skip it.

Marketing Automation

  1. Automating bad processors without process
  2. Not setting up your marketing automation properly
  3. Marketing automation is easy to assume
  4. Do not build your team of experts
  5. Automating what you don’t have
  6. Marketing automation is not uplifting community

01# Automating bad processors without process

Marketing Automation

Automatically updating a contact wash computer that is updating incorrectly is simply not a good concept. It can get bad information, so they can flip your head about what is happening improperly with the approach.

And not fully integrating marketing automation with your CRM will result in scorching marketing automation left behind by the platform. Trust me, they will by no means find their way with incomplete information and no closed loop reporting. This carelessness eventually loses credibility in your marketing group.

02# Not setting up your marketing automation properly

What is Marketing Automation? | Emarsys

When you ask an advertising honorable what their organization’s offensive capabilities are and a factor they may say they are using a “prime marketing automation” solution, it means they have a marketing approach or are aggressive Do not have capability. They are almost certainly taking photos blank because all they are doing is destroying email with their advertising and marketing automation tools.

Similarly marketing is the best way to use automation with the right imaginative and presenter. If you do not take into account its full potential and do not advance your method for that reason in the initial months of implementation, you will not be able to get the results you want.

03# Marketing automation is easy to assume

6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Marketing Automation

Its very nature, advertising automation is unique and difficult. So, you must have a tremendous empirical, information-hungry mind to enjoy working within your parameters and continuing your proper talent.

Advertising and marketing automation success is a waterfall result. It is known to a large extent for setting things up. And if you don’t do this, things will continue to go bad on the road. That is why it is primary to accept that ad automation implementation will not be easy and in the name of the services of a teacher, which will help you get to the place you will need to go.

Adopt your company’s lead scoring process. Shouldn’t you be able to outline your lead scoring process competently, and shouldn’t you find out the best way to wash your information and beef up for the accuracy of your knowledge, this will increase your income . Or negatively affect increases campaign nutrition.

04# Do not build your team of experts

For this reason, it is valuable to have a team of professionals and partners to create and implement it. Across the board, a key component in the recipe for correct advertising automation implementation is the basis for a strong, reliable advantage.

How To Manage A Sales Team: 12 Expert Tips For Success

Training your employees in state-of-the-art advertising best practices is the true key to success with marketing automation. Therefore, listed below are some ways you can train anyone who will use the solution:

    • Every advertising and marketing automation vendor has a marketing college; The place where you can be trained with a satisfactory method to use each tool more effectively.
    • The advertising and marketing automation carrier has cell, chat and e-mail support. For example, if you are not sure how to start your email campaign completely, you can also enter a ticket or consumer support name. It almost always works well for speaking through a crisis and resolves it for the duration of your call.
    • It goes without announcement that hiring and scaling your team with humans; People possessing marketing automation qualifications will make a huge impact for your long term success.

05# Automating what you don’t have

My Top 5 lessons on Test Automation | by Andrejs Doronins | Javarevisited |  Medium

It is most important to understand that marketing automation is basically a tool; So this means automating the content of your advertising and revenue features. Marketing with more inbound advertising and higher value content and goods that shorten their buyer journey are the ones that really move the needle in your marketing automation process.

06# Marketing automation is not uplifting community

All marketing automation companies have their own forum or community, where you can ask for solutions, documents or simply support. However, you may have your own internal workforce,  Where you can share best practices and ask questions to others in your company.

For more related information, go and check out the details migomail and telcob.

Email Campaign, Email Hosting, Email Hosting Services provider In India, Email marketing service providers in india, Email Marketing Software, Latest Technology, Latest Trends, Marketing

Welcome To Your 3 Email Campaign Designing a Powerful Event

Email Campaign is a launching opportunity, a networking opportunity or a gathering. In addition, the effectiveness of your opportunity is directly related to the number of participants received through the door. And besides, there is no better way to reach an audience and build participants than by e-mail.

What is an Opportunity  welcome email?

Event Welcome Email is a fight designed to increase the focus of your event and encourage people to attend. A great depiction is going on from Email Campaign Monitor client Hidden Dinner. As you can see, the Event Welcome email lets their customers know about the upcoming event. And it, too, invites action to look at the menu and reserved seats.

Email Campaign

The 3 Key Components of a Powerful Opportunity Welcome Email 

To bring greater awareness and participants to your event Welcome email, join these 3 different components in the fight.

In this post, we share with you the 3 key components of an effective event Welcome Email and show some examples from the welcome email campaigns of our client e-mail exhibition that got it right.

  1. Value Proposition
  2. Detailed opportunity description
  3. Social Proof

01# Value Proposition

In a welcome email for any event, the quality suggestion should be a short statement that clearly explains why the beneficiary should visit the occasion. As you can see, email has an unmistakable value proposition that ‘reads’ your family away from an enchanted world.

02# Detailed Opportunity Description

And now, it has attracted the attention of its customer with its suggested price. This is an opportunity to back it up with a detailed description of the event that outlines what participants can expect to see and do and what they will get from the event.

03# Social Proof

Even if your event is free, people are paying their time together and there may be some common delays and concerns to attend.

It can be brought from anything:

    • Worry that your event is worth their time and / or cash.
    • Stress that your program is considered relevant to them.
    • Doubt that your opportunity will state the quality you claimed.


Event Welcome Email is the most mandatory email campaign you can send to increase the visibility of your event. So the next time you are making one, make sure it has 3 key elements:

    • One benefit is quality proposition focused.
    • Compelling event data that outlines what to expect from attendees at the time.
    • Components of social evidence to reduce anxiety around the value of your event.
    • By incorporating these 3 components, you ensure that you can get the best results from your event reception.
    • campaign and drive a large amount of participants who will make your event a success.

For more related information, Go and check out the details migomail and telcob.

Business, Email Campaign, Email Hosting, Latest Technology, Latest Trends, Mail Marketing, Marketing, Mobile Marketing

5 Essential Tips for Creating Mobile-Friendly Emails

why are mobile-friendly emails so important?

In today’s era, the use of smartphones is increasing frequently and with this the amount of people reading email on mobile devices is also increasing. This number is 30% since 2010 to 2015, and I believe it’s a really easy win that it’s steadily increasing. This means that you have to compose the message, which is well versatile. Mobile friendly email is also a type of email that we ideally display between our desktop / laptop and cell phone. And also, make sure it looks great in front of your customers and prospects read it.



If your emails are mobile friendly, you may miss the opportunity to engage your customers and drive results. So carefully examine seven simple, yet essential tips that any marketer can use to make their email more mobile-friendly.

Here are five essential things that will enable you to write mobile-friendly emails:

01# As may be acceptable both in plan and substance

The core of any email should be a clear and compact message, but it is more important when designing for mobile. Screen real estate on mobile is extremely important (this is going to be a common theme), so keep the design very clean and straightforward and focus on the essentials.

02# Use a single section layout

Due to the limited real estate found with cell phones, it is usually better to use basic designs. With a regular multi-segment design, your readers will need to zoom or view their smartphone to see everything. This can make it difficult for them to detect the substance of your email and call to action.

03# Use a single, clear suggestion to take action

Make a point to include an appropriate invitation to take action, and place it close to the highest point in your email. Many action calls often complicate things a bit on mobile. Tell your readers what you need them to do and it is really easy for them to do so.

04# Avoid tiny fonts

Verify your content as it can be read effectively. Use a minimum size 11pt font for body content and 22pt for features. We additionally suggest using a strong contrast of dark materials such as colors on light foundations. Many reduce the level of brightness on a mobile device to help conserve batteries – and they refuse to go out in regular daylight – so a strong contrast of colors will be easier to read.

05# Take it easy on pictures

Here just use the pictures that are required for your mobile friendly email. Here’s why: Apple’s iOS enables the resulting images to be shown. But many other mobile devices are phased out such as Android – turn off images by default. Also, you cannot expect your images to be shown. And also, if your email contains a bundle of pictures. They can just look like pieces of white space and light of this. We also suggest including image descriptions. It helps to tell people what the picture is when it is not being displayed.

For more related information, Go and check out migomail and telcob.

B2B Marketing, Latest Technology, Latest Trends, Mail Marketing, Mail Marketing India, Marketing, Marketing Automation

7 Ways to Increase Sales with Email Marketing Automation

You know the basics of marketing automation, it streamlines, automates and monitors regular marketing tasks. But a good marketing automation platform is more than making life easier for the email marketing team – it will also help you close more deals.

So, how can you tap into various aspects of marketing automation to increase sales? Check out these seven tips:

Marketing Automation

01# Pass Over Sales-Ready Leads Using Lead Scoring

Tired of hearing about insufficient marketing leads? It can be difficult to determine when a prospect is ready for sale, but a strong marketing automation platform leads the score behind the scene.

Lead scoring is an automated strategy that adds or subtracts points from every lead based on actions taken or not done. It can be used to track demographic data to provide a high score that suits your outstanding buyer personality. When a lead reaches the limit you set, it is considered “ready for sale” and reached by the sales team.

02# Personalize Your Website

By the time a lead hits your website, your company has a substantial impact. A personal website will increase your conversion rate and make a better impression. Lead and customer data are used to personalize landing pages and other web content viewed by every lead. The experiences of anonymous web visitors can also be personal.

03# Provide Your Sales Team with the Info They Need to Follow Up

By tracking interactions with your company and providing that information for sales in an easy location, such as their CRM system, sales will be able to have a personal and impactful conversation with each sales-ready lead.

04# Keep the Conversation Going Using Triggered Emails

When a lead interacts with your company, it is important to stay on top keeping the conversation in mind. Triggered emails help turn your sales team into real customers without wasting time. For example, if a potential customer sees a pricing page, an email designed for interested customers may be sent. Triggered email has been shown to perform three times better than other types of email.

05# Segment Your Lead Nurturing

In an ideal world, all marketing leads would be up for sale. But in fact, most leads are not ready and require some nurturing before the sale.

By implementing segmented lead nurturing, you can provide specific content to each lead to push them to become sales-ready – when they are ready. Nutrition of fragmented lead made by industry, role, or company size.

06# Track Your Leads on Every Channel

Your prospects are on every channel – whether browsing on social, searching the web, going to events and more. It is important to track your prospects with your company – no matter what channel. This will help direct your message to a prospect, based on what kind of content you have with your audience. This will help increase sales as consistent content is the number one way to retain a prospect.

07# Track Your Results and ROI

Doing the same thing in expectation of different results and not cutting it in today’s digital world! Marketers need to monitor the ROI of every program they see to see what tangible results. By tracking this type of data, you’ll know which programs get the best results for revenue – and keep running those programs and cancel those that aren’t performing.

An engagement platform with marketing automation does not provide benefits for the marketing team – it can help sales more often and more efficiently and win more deals.

For more related information, Go and check out migomail and telcob.

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Facebook Data Leak Shocked 87 Million Users

Facebook Inc. said on Wednesday that personal information for 87 million users (Facebook data leaks). In most of the United States, political consultations may be improperly shared with Cambridge Analytica, with media reports above estimated to last over 50 million.

Data Leak

Chief executive officer Mark Zuckerberg said in a conference call with reporters that Facebook has not seen “any meaningful impact” on usage or ad sales since the scandal, although he said “it’s good if people aren’t unhappy with the company.”

Shares rose more than 3 percent after the bell.

Zuckerberg told reporters that he had accepted the blame for the Facebook data leak, which has angered users, advertisers and lawmakers, as well as that he was still the right person to set up the company.

“When Facebook is developing something in the world that is unprecedented in the world, there are going to be things you toy with,” Zuckerberg said.

He said that he was not aware of any discussion about his leaving the Facebook board.

He said that he had not fired anyone and planned on this scam. He said, “We are not trying to throw anyone else under the bus for the mistakes here.”

Facebook previously admitted last month that personal information. Nearly millions of users incorrectly ended up in Cambridge Analytica’s hands.

Zuckerberg will testify about the case during two US Congressional hearings next Tuesday and Wednesday.

London-based Cambridge Analytica, which has counted US President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign among its customers, has disputed Facebook’s estimate of affected users. It said in a tweet on Wednesday that it did not receive more than 30 million records. From a researcher, he hired Facebook to collect data about people.

Facebook should have done more to audit and oversee third-party app developers, like Cambridge Analytica in 2014, Zuckerberg said on the call with reporters.

“After knowing what I know today, clearly we should have done more,” he said.

Going forward, he said, Facebook was taking steps to restrict what personal data is for third-party app developers, and added that it could take two more years to fix Facebook’s problems.

“We’re broadening our perspective about our responsibility,” Zuckerberg said.

Data Leak

Most of the up to 87 million people whose data was shared with Cambridge Analytica were in the United States. Facebook Chief Technology Officer Mike Schroepfer wrote in a blog post.

Facebook shares closed down 0.6 percent at $ 155.10 on Wednesday. They have fought over 16 per cent since the Cambridge Analytica scandal surfaced.

Previous estimates of more than 50 million Facebook users affected by the data leak came from two newspapers, the New York Times and the Observer of London, based on their investigation by Cambridge Analytica.

Zuckerberg said Facebook came in high estimates. Seeing the number of people who downloaded a personality quiz app created by the University of Cambridge. Adding the number of academic Hangzhou Kogan, or about 270,000 people, and then their friends.

Cambridge Analytica has stated that it engaged Kogan in “good faith”. This is similar to how other third-party app developers have harvested personal information to collect Facebook data.

For more related information, check out migomail and telcob.

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Email Campaign, Email Hosting, Email Hosting Services provider In India, Latest Technology, Latest Trends, Marketing, SMTP Server

3 Best SMTP Server for Email Marketing

SMTP Server for Email marketing is a way to keep people fully updated about various promotional offers and Salesforce campaigns. It is considered one of the most important marketing tools in this digital generation. It does not matter if your business is small in size or you have many locations worldwide to help you reach a loyal customer base, which is associated with your customer name. The importance of SMTP server is many. Some of them are as follows: –

SMTP Server

To conduct email marketing in a smooth way

It is important to have smooth flow of email transactions. Bounce back rate of email should be zero. Any break in the email chain will have a butterfly effect, resulting in a serious setback to not only special promotions but subsequent email marketing campaigns as well. It is therefore highly requested that the SMTP server that handles the accounts of a particular business have sufficient space to conduct transactions without interruption. Common web host servers often fail to provide such facilities because they do not have a fixed location for separate accounts and treat business and personal email in a similar way. The SMTP server ensures that your business emails are a priority.

SMTP server prevent hacking

In a shared web host server, the privacy of an account is often not adequately protected. Due to the lack of dedicated space, accounts get compromised, which makes it easier to hack account details. Hacking is dangerous because sensitive information, being in the wrong hands with no good intentions, can cause chaos. Not to mention, financial statements can also be obtained by hacking, which can result in economic failures. All these were prevented from switching from a shared web server to a dedicated SMTP server for personal email.

An effective way to spread the promotional message

Only a few businesses can spend thousands in publicity, no matter how big or small. It is also not possible for small businesses to pay big money on tools to help with marketing campaigns. Their one-shot chance of fair competition in mass email marketing is at a low cost email marketing campaign gives them this opportunity. The SMTP server is designed to handle such expectations. It not only dedicates space to its user, but also optimizes features, keeping the user requirement as a priority.

For more related information, check out this migomail and telcob.

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