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Top email marketing metrics

Email Marketing, Email Marketing Tips

The Most Important Email Marketing Metrics

Before sending your email, think about this question: What is my email marketing goal? Is it enriching my subscriber profile? Discover potential customers? Still turning potential customers into customers? Regardless of your goal, the next step is to identify an indicator to measure how well your goal is achieved. Let’s take a look at the most common email marketing metrics and then analyze how to link a step to a specific goal.

Six major essential email marketing metrics

1. Click rate

First email marketing metrics is click-through rate. Click-through rate is always the first standard in email marketing. I call it the “every day” of email marketing because it allows you to intuitively calculate the effectiveness of each email marketing.

The Most Important Email Marketing Metrics, Email Marketing Metrics, Metrics of email marketing

Click-through rates are also often used to measure A/B effects. Which allows you to directly understand how many of your subscribers are interested in your email content and want to learn from you.

2. Conversion rate

After the user opens your email, your next goal is to let them act according to your expectations. If you provide users with a free e-book, how many people download your e-book is the conversion you want to track rate.

The Most Important Email Marketing Metrics, Email Marketing Metrics, Metrics of email marketing

Your conversion rate closely tied to your call to action. Your call to action should be closely aligned with your overall email marketing goals. Conversion rate is the most important tool for verifying your goals.

3. Rebounce rate

The bounce rate is a measure of the percentage of undeliverable messages you send. The bounce-back divided into two situations, “hard bounce” and “soft bounce“.

The soft bullet represents the email address you sent, but there are some temporary problems. Such as the problem with the recipient’s email server. So when you encounter a soft bomb, you can try to send the email again.

Click this link for know ‘ Tips to Reduce Email Bounce Rate 

The Most Important Email Marketing Metrics, Email Marketing Metrics

If the hard bullet represents your recipient’s email address is wrong, invalid, or has been logged out, the email cannot deliver at all. You should immediately remove email addresses that appear to be hard because Internet Service Providers (ISPs) use hard disk rate as an important criterion for judging the reputation of email senders. If your hard bullet rate is too high, the ISP estimates that you will be treated as a spammer.

Click here for ‘How to Avoid Email Going to Spam: A Complete Report’

4. Subscriber list growth rate

The Most Important Email Marketing Metrics, Email Marketing MetricsIn addition to the call to action indicators, you should also pay attention to your subscriber list growth rate or shrinkage rate to ensure that you are always at the industry-leading level. But there is one thing you have to worry about, that is, the list of subscribers will shrink. Every year, 25% of subscribers are naturally lost – that is, you must keep an eye on your subscriber list and keep it healthy. The level of growth.

5. Mail sharing/forwarding rate

Your mail sharing or forwarding rate may never be high, but there is no doubt that this is one of the most important of all email marketing metrics.

The Most Important Email Marketing Metrics, Email Marketing Metrics

Why do you say this? Because this is the best way to get new subscribers. While conversion rates are important, this data won’t bring you new prospects. Encourage your readers to share useful emails with friends and then track how much new information this method can add to your user database.

6. Overall ROI ( Overall ROI )

The Most Important Email Marketing Metrics, Email Marketing Metrics

Just like other marketing channels, you should also measure the overall ROI of your email marketing. How many potential customers did you generate via email? How much potential and actual profit can these potential customers bring? These metrics can help your email marketing team show the boss and let him see how much tangible results you have made.

Your goal determines your email marketing metrics

Your email marketing goals may be very different from your competitors. And your goals will be different even at different stages of your career. However, I still want to emphasize that before you start sending emails, you must think about what your goal is.

The Most Important Email Marketing Metrics, Email Marketing Metrics

Here’s how to align goals and metrics:

1. Subscriber list growth rate

If your focus is to attract more viewers to your site, get more subscribers. let more people use your free tools, etc. Your goal should be to grow your contact list. Your email must be accompanied by a call to action such as “Click here to subscribe to the blog post” or “Join a weekly email subscription list“. So, in this case, the most important indicator is your subscriber list growth rate.

2. The potential customer growth rate

In addition to the number of subscribers, you can also focus on discovering potential customers. If your goal is set to be on top of this – in other words, your email should include a prospective customer discovery form in order to get potential customers.

If your email marketing goal is to find potential customers, you should pay attention to the number of indicators each month. You can decide to focus on the total amount of potential customers, or just focus on the new amount of each stage, depending on which one you value.

Read this article for ‘Maximize Email deliverability to improve business growth’

3. Potential customers converted to actual customer rates

Finally, if you value the conversion of potential customers into real customers, then your mail will contain more content related to products and services. Your call to action should be “purchase action now!” Under this goal, your metric should define as the conversion of potential customers to actual customer rates.

Surprisingly, many marketers set goals like this and then don’t spend time tracking the progress of the goal. Make sure you can track your progress at any time. And carefully observe the change in the indicator on a monthly basis.

Daily. Someday is not a day of the week. Class aptent taciti.
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