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Email Marketing Campaign Tips

Email Campaign

Tips to Create an Engaging Email Marketing Campaign

As a marketer, this puts you in a difficult spot. Because you know how important an effective email marketing campaign is. The problem is, if your email marketing campaigns don’t stand out, you’ll just be another part of the deluge of content no one wants to read–which is a waste of time, effort and opportunity.

So how do you create an effective email marketing campaign that people will pay attention to and, actually appreciate?

effective email marketing campaign
Here are five easy to follow tips for executing an effective email marketing campaign.

1. Hook them with an enticing subject line

This is a very basic tip but it’s worth repeating because it’s essential. When it comes to email marketing, you need to convince people that your email is worth opening in the first place.

I’ve found that when it comes to email subject lines, the more straightforward, the better. If the content that you’re promoting has an intriguing title, then you could simply make that the subject line. But this isn’t necessarily the most effective approach.

Let’s say you’re promoting an article you published on your blog. If you make your subject line the title of the article, this means that when they open your email, they’ll be met with the same title in the body of the email, which is repetitive. But if you pull the most shocking statistic or fact from your article and make that the subject line, then readers will be enticed to find out more. Then boom, there’s the equally enticing title of the article. Now they’ve got to click through to your site.

2. Offer real value to your subscribers

It’s not enough to simply say, “Look what we have here!” Every email subscribers receive is telling them to look at something. Who has time to look at everything?

Real value can come in several different forms: it could be something valuable for its exclusiveness like a discount or a free piece of content like an ebook, or through; it could also be valuable information, like an article that walks readers through a process; it could even be emotional value, as an inspirational video that subscribers will want to share with their friends.

3. Keep it short and to the point

While Statista’s emails are like mini reports unto themselves, most marketing campaign emails should be even shorter. This is especially true if you’re promoting an article or a video. Remember, the goal of an effective email marketing is to get subscribers to click through to your site. Offer them only the smallest and juiciest piece of bait that will make them want to learn more.

From my experience, a marketing campaign email shouldn’t be any longer than about three sentences. Just enough to give them a sense of what you are promoting, without giving too much away.

4. Don’t overdo it

While certain companies will use a daily email approach, it’s not advisable for everyone to do it. Often, subscribers will get frustrated by daily emails. Scarcity has something to do with this–while you may think that frequent emails show you are engaged with your subscribers, your subscribers probably don’t want to hear from you that much. Sorry, they’re just not that into you.

The thing is, there’s no hard and fast rule for how often you should email your subscribers. The frequency of emails that subscribers will accept varies depending on the industry and a particular brand. You will have to monitor your metrics over a couple of months to see what your subscribers’ behavior is.

5. Mix it up

In line with not overdoing it, it’s also a good idea to mix up the types of emails that you send. For example, then you may send out an email every time you publish a new article on your brand’s blog, and these emails might follow a similar format of header images, article title, and a short description. But don’t make this the only kind of email you send out.

Daily. Someday is not a day of the week. Class aptent taciti.
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