Little known Technique in Marketing are:

New Email 3 Little known Technique in Marketing


Technique in Marketing, Any personalization is not new privatization. We are not only desperate for {firstname} in the subject line of email marketing we receive from marketers. We are actually repealed by this. Privatization was originally invented ‘as a way to flag one’s attention, based on the old truism that “there is no sound to anyone more than one’s own name”.

But, then the marketers put their hands on it (doh!) And now it is a sign that you are going to the market. People who really know me, and who are my priority to read and respond to, will never put my {Firstname} in the subject line.

It is now a marketing flag, and as they do all other marketing flags, listeners develop banner-blindness to protect themselves from noise.

Instead of clunky and unnatural {Firstname} personalization, NEW EMAIL MARKETING has technology # 1 personalization. When we are eager to explain all the exciting benefits of our product or service, his subject line is short and casual and he does not sell or state anything.

Noah does not use a salutation, and jumps right into the message, even starting his copy mid-sentence in the preview text (extremely important because it serves as a 2 subject line).

Both the subject line and its preview text feel incomplete and accidental, as if from a friend, not over authenticated or predetermined as if it happened at the hands of the entire marketing department.

Getting Past Promotions Tab

65% of emails are opened first on mobile. This is great news but there are a couple of takeaways:

1. You MUST Mobile-Optimize all Email Campaigns.

Watch out for high opens but low clicks.

This may mean that your content is not good, but if you are reasonably confident that your content and lead-up are decent, it may cause:

  • Lack of Mobile Optimization.
  • Only because most people do not like to click on things on their devices because it takes them out of the app they are on.

Mobile can be a very big secret weapon to get past priority inboxes, but only if you create a campaign with a MOBILE-FIRST-ATTITUDE.

2. Mobile-Based Follow Ups

Another approach is to follow up mobile-based to sign-up because remember that most mail apps have no promotional inbox.

If they have just signed up, and you are also receiving their phone number, you can send them an SMS as an immediate confirmation, so that they can check your confirmation, just as on the device they previously are from.

This will be especially meaningful for your welcome email or other confirmation such as your important transaction email.

3. Use Your Thank You Page to Remind People to Look for Your Welcome

Don’t forget to use your email signup thank you page to remember recent customers / sign ups. That you have just sent them a confirmation and they should look for it now.

Pre-Targeting and Retargeting

Email pre-targeting is another great way to heat up your list. For a prominent, conversion-oriented email campaign before sending the campaign.

Yes, I meant pre-targeting, not just retargeting.

Here’s How Pre-Targeting Works:

  1. Identify your recipient list and export them for specific targeting in paid campaigns. Through FB Custom Audiences, Twitter Tailored Audiences, and / or Gmail AdWords.
  2. Advertising focused on Brand Awareness; Never create your campaign about “Hard Sell”.
  3. Send your Email Campaign.

Be sure to use basic general knowledge about that recipient list.

You do not have to micro with your partition. Even creating some broad categories of recipients will make your ads perform better. And will also improve subsequent email campaigns.

As a bonus, you can run again and again after your email campaign is gone.

Here are Additional Ideas for Post-Campaign Retargeting:

  1. To subscribers who never opened.
  2. Subscribers who opened but didn’t click your CTA.
  3. To subscribers who opened MULTIPLE times but didn’t click your CTA.
  4. Subscribers who opened clicked the CTA but didn’t convert.

For more related information, You can check Mailcot and Migomail.




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