You spend so much time trying to bring new customers in the door, whether that door is a real one or the sales page of a website. Once those customers have been with you for a while, it’s easy to assume that they’ll always come back. However, if you stop paying attention to your customers, they’ll stop paying attention to you as well. Text message marketing can be a valuable tool to market for customer retention: here’s how to use it well.It’s also a part of Mobile Marketing.

1. Make Their Presence an Invitation

Are your customers in your store or on your website? Congratulations: you have customer engagement. Or do you? Enhance your engagement by inviting your customers to connect with you via text. Whether you place an invitation to text on a napkin in a restaurant or you use a social media message to get your customers to text now for a special offer code, you can use text to encourage your customers to opt into further engagement while they’re already interacting with your brand.

2.  Send Them a Reminder

Have you ever gotten a reminder that you’re overdue for an oil change or a medical exam? These key appointments are ones that you might book on a relatively regular basis, but what about other products? You can send out text messages to prompt your customers to visit and buy at certain times of the year or at specific intervals.

Make these reminders valuable. A home supply business in a hurricane-prone area could send out a text reminding customers to get ready and letting them know that there’s a discount available on key supplies. Don’t be a nag: be a helpful inspiration instead.

3. Make Your Customers’ Lives Easier

Modern life is busy, and you want to make your customers’ lives easier, not more cluttered. Instead of just providing a reminder, give your customers a reminder with something of value, such as a coupon. For instance, if you have a sale on t-shirts, you could provide a scannable coupon or code that customers can simply show in the store. They don’t need to print or remember anything, and you’ve just made their lives a little easier – and less expensive.

4. If There’s a Process, Should You Automate It?

Is your sales process a lengthy one? Perhaps you rely on your customers to sign up and then come back to sign additional forms or to renew a product every year. If you’re an insurance agency, bank, or another business that must have customers return to complete a single transaction, you can use text messages to simplify ongoig communications. Focus your attention on providing your customers with a smooth process, valuable information and offers rather than trying to remember to make phone calls, send emails, or remind them with texts.

5. Celebrate Your Customers

Is it your customer’s birthday? Are you celebrating a year of your vendor-customer relationship? Use text messages to celebrate your customers and draw them into your store for a discount that’s designed just for them.

At EZ Texting, we’re here to support your text marketing efforts. Talk with your customers and draw them into your business again and again. Learn more about the ways in which text marketing can invigorate your business and consistently renew your relationships with customers. Want to learn more? Sign up for free today.


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